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upgrading from Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04

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    upgrading from Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04

    Hi everybody,

    I'm upgrading my notebook from 8.10 to 9.04 from internet, the Distribution Upgrade process started and worked until "Getting new packages" completed to 99% (download terminated fetching 1456 of 1456). A this point it is blocked (Installing the upgrades didn't start ) , so how can I go ahead to terminate the upgrading ??

    please could you help me ??

    thanks in advance

    Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU

    Re: upgrading from Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04


    When I update I use mostly mine Bash Console:

    Try this at bash:

    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get update

    maybe it will help you

    Use a wired connection and not an wireless for such an update!
    The diamond can not be polished without friction, <br /> nor a man perfected without trials.


      Re: upgrading from Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04

      Notebook? So may I guess that you were doing over WiFi?

      WiFi are unreliable most of the time. Especially for this type of purpose. It can be very frustrating. :-X

      Network can suddenly go down at a very bad time.

      Avoid using WiFi for these things.

      You may restart at another place that has wired ethernet. You may not necessarily have to download all over again, as what you already had, could be still in a temp cache.

