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Upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 freezes

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    Upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 freezes

    I've been running on 8.04 perfectly fine on my old Dell Dimension when up popped this box asking if I wanted to move to 9.04. Unfortunately after the update was complete and reboot the computer froze when I asked to change desktop settings. Since then I can't even get past two of four icons on bootup showing up before I freeze or at least am locked out of the system.

    Have downloaded the CD ISO and will try an install from there. Any suggestions on what happened ? I see posts about display settings but I have a pretty vanilla onboard Intel video chip running things I wouldn't have expected a total lockout.

    BTW I could change the bootup to failsafe on the bootup menu but then it won't let me login with my ID ... hmm maybe I need the admin ID which I have to locate.

    Will try the CD and update.


    Re: Upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 freezes - Resolved

    Ok it worked with an installation from the CD. Of course I lost all my settings and my documents, pictures and Netbeans but it is up and running.

    Next I definitely will not update when prompted to and when I do will have everything backed up. The re-installation of programs is a pain. Also KDE is so different in 9.04 that I have to relearn how to do basic tasks like mounting drives. grrr a time waster but will hopefully stay on this rev for a while so I can get work done. >

