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kinit issue on startup

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    kinit issue on startup

    Hi Folks,

    I've just done an upgrade from kubuntu 8.10 to kubuntu 9.04 via the internet.

    The upgrade appears to have gone well excepting that I have now lost the GUI login.

    During boot, when the X server initialisation happens, I get the pretty blue background with the mouse cursor showing briefly. The mouse cursor shows first as the two little balls circling each other and then goes to the arrowhead. It is also operational - I can move it around via the touchpad while it is showing.

    Then it blacks out and reverts to the CLI login prompt.

    An examination of the Xorg.0.log file reveals no errors.

    My hardware is an (elderly) Toshiba A10 laptop with 1G RAM. Kubuntu 8.10 was running quite happily on it before the upgrade.

    Any ideas what is happening, and how I can fix it?



    Re: kinit issue on startup

    Problem fixed

    After browsing this list I came across a topic in which the user was also presented with a CLI login. A response suggested the following -

    sudo aptitude update
    and when that completes without errors, running
    sudo aptitude -f install kde

    - so I tried it. The update completed without errors so I ran the install. It downloaded a couple hundred MB data and reinstalled the kde package.
    A reboot brought up the GUI login screen.
    I'm impressed at the work that has been done in release. Overall it feels much more responsive- applications load faster, the mouse has better fine control.


