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Nvidia driver issues!

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    Nvidia driver issues!

    Hi all,
    I've just did a clean install of JJ 9.04 32-bit. Everything works except graphics (integrated NVIDIA GeForce4 MX). I've got the xorg.conf default running @ 800 x 600 on a 17" LCD. I've tried the Hardware installer (doesn't work at all!) and EnvyNG, which installed the 96.43.10 driver correctly. Problem is, upon reboot, X hangs upon Plasma init or when KDM tries to start KDE. It has been this way since the initial install, and still remains now.
    Does anyone else have this issue going on? Has anyone figured out a work-around for it? Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Anyway, thanks
    in advance to any replies!


    Re: Nvidia driver issues!

    Have the same problem with nvidia 180 driver. I have 2 computers worked ok upgrading with kde4.1 wouldn't work on computer using


      Re: Nvidia driver issues!

      I feel your pain, brother!!! This worked flawlessly on 8.10 & 8.04. I sitting here with the 8.10 disc in my hand as we speak! LOL!!!



        Re: Nvidia driver issues!

        If you can get to a text login (such as by hitting CTRL-ALT-F1), you might try turning off compositing, if it is on. To do this, log in with your user account (not root), then:

        cd ~/.kde/share/config

        Then edit the file kwinrc with whatever editor you use, look for the [Compositing] section, and change the line that says "Enabled=true" to "Enabled=false" (without the quote marks).

        Then reboot and see if it will start up that way.

        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: Nvidia driver issues!

          Me too!!!!!!
          Kubuntu 9.04 upgraded yesterday
          Display handling terrible!
          Jockey crashes when trying any nVidia proprietary driver!
          [BTW: kPackage has an authorization error when getting updates.]
          Display fun and games is one reason I upgraded.
          kInfo Center not displaying info so no specs here until fixed.
          IMHO: display driver issue appears universal.

          Irony: Killed nVidia driver for WinDoze a couple of weeks ago ... have to fix that sometime too.

          PS "Using The Nouveau Driver In [K]Ubuntu 9.04" - I will do this if I can't get the genuine ones going!


            Re: Nvidia driver issues!

            A quick update, I had assumed the issue to be with plasma/compositing in KDE 4.2, but not so! Downloaded and installed Ubuntu 9.04 and have the same issue! IMHO, it's the Nvidia 96 driver that is the culprit! Also I had stated that it had worked in 8.10, but that was an ATI/AMD 9600 card on my 64-bit server, which I plan on doing tomorrow, I'll post on how that turns out, also. And you are right, jockey does have issues. I found it less problematic to use EnvyNG on KDE.


              Re: Nvidia driver issues!

              I too had problems installing the 96.43.10 driver on Jaunty with a ti4200. I was forced to install the 96.43.11 release off of the nvidia site. In the release notes for that version it says it "Added support for X.Org server 1.5 and 1.6" I assume the .10 driver just isn't compatible with Jaunty's xorg. I had do some xorg.conf tweaking after the install to get my preferred resolution.



