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(Solved) More Software Sources?

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    (Solved) More Software Sources?

    Are there anymore software sources available, besides the default 3rd party? I am a web developer and Apache, Myself and PHP is needed for local Dev.

    BTW. I am AMAZED at Kbuntu. I spent nearly 24 hours straight trying to install and configure Ubuntu Ultimate...without much success. I downloaded and installed Kbuntu to just troubleshoot my hardware... and I am impressed at what I see. I'm keeping it.

    In 20 minutes I had Kbuntu installed.
    10 Minutes after that it was updated.
    2 More minutes to figure out how to activate the ATI driver.
    5 minutes to install and configure Compiz.

    (Don't care for KMail though...too awkward.)

    This is unheard of!

    Ubuntu takes hours just to get the video card working right and compiz working. i've done it a few times over the last few years. Always a pain. This is truly a wonderful OS. Clean, FAST, stable (so far) and very user friendly.

    Now if I can just be productive...... I've always went back to Windows because with Ubuntu I spend all my time trying to get it to run right.

    I don't understand why Kbuntu is so...different than Ubuntu in these areas. (?)

    Kbuntu 8.10 - KDE 4.1 / &lt;strike&gt;Windows XP Professional&lt;/strike&gt;<br />Foxconn 661FX Motherboard - 575W PS<br />3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4HT - OC @ 3.4GHz<br />2GB Corsair DDR 400 RAM<br />512MB ATI Saphire (Radeon) X1650<br />Maxtor 300GB Internal HDD - &lt;strike&gt;Windows&lt;/strike&gt; Storage!<br />Maxtor 160GB Internal HDD - Kbuntu

    Re: More Software Sources?

    php, mysql, apache are all in the main repositories, not the 3rd party ones. searching with adept or synaptic should show them all.


      Re: More Software Sources?

      (Regarding external software sources) You could try searching for any ppas that might suit your needs. Then there's for binaries, though no repositories there that I know of. Also and, of course.

      As for Ubuntu vs Kubuntu, it's still the same X and general linux underneath the hood, so I've never really had them "differ" the way you describe it. But yeah, certainly PulseAudio and Compiz add more things that could go wrong to the process.
      KDE, I heart thee.


        Re: More Software Sources?

        Are there anymore software sources available, besides the default 3rd party?
        ?? - hmm -?!

        There are as many software sources (> repositories) available as you want to:

        Few more ! User Discretion Advised ! :

        > Medibuntu
        Medibuntu (Multimedia, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu) is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons (copyright, license, patent, etc).
        > PPA
        Personal Package Archives (PPA) allow you to upload Ubuntu source packages to be built and published as an apt repository by Launchpad.

        Some of the companies/organizations/private/whatever have own repositories for the Ubuntu

        Opera > Ubuntu community - Opera Browser

        Wine > Wine for Ubuntu and Ubuntu derivatives

        Rigs of Rods > Topic: Installing Rigs of Rods [SOLVED]
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: More Software Sources?

          Ahhh.. Synaptic. I didn't realize it was installed, and Adept wasn't showing what I needed. Sweet.

          I won't add anymore repositories just yet. I am hesitant to add anything to the system that I don't absolutely need. LAMP I do need.

          DId I sound like a commercial for Kbuntu last night? lol. I guess I got excited at the prospect of a Ubuntu installation that actually works...out of the box. Graphics drivers and all. My experience with Ubuntu has always been bitter sweet. I am a computer technician also, or should I say "Windows Technician?". Anyways I have tried so many distros, trying to get away from Windows. I work on that inferior POS day in and day out..... it's an OS for idiots that really dont have ANY business with a computer. Dumb it down and give home users the false impression that the OS is "safe", or that an Anti-Virus app and built in ONE-WAY firewall, which NOONE knows how to use, will somehow keep them safe online. Don't get me started about people who install ZoneAlarm or other firewalls...then click "Allow" on everything that comes up...or shut it off entirely, only to wonder why their box gets infested with malware.

          Go figure

          Question; When I first installed Kbuntu I had a desktop widget(?) that displayed a window with desktop items. I accidental closed it and can't find it in the widgets.. where can I activate that again?

          Thank you everyone for responding, yet another reason why I am fond of the Ubuntu community


          Kbuntu 8.10 - KDE 4.1 / &lt;strike&gt;Windows XP Professional&lt;/strike&gt;<br />Foxconn 661FX Motherboard - 575W PS<br />3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4HT - OC @ 3.4GHz<br />2GB Corsair DDR 400 RAM<br />512MB ATI Saphire (Radeon) X1650<br />Maxtor 300GB Internal HDD - &lt;strike&gt;Windows&lt;/strike&gt; Storage!<br />Maxtor 160GB Internal HDD - Kbuntu


            Re: More Software Sources?

            That widget is called Folder View. You can right click on the desktop and click Add Widgets. Just make sure your widgets aren't can check in the same right click menu if they're locked or not.

            It's good to hear you're enjoying Kubuntu. I can't believe how happy I was to ditch windows after all those years. My wife still uses XP and it's just no fun. I've been playing around with the new Windows 7 and it still feels far too much "the same". Kubuntu/KDE breathes fresh life into using the computer, even though it has plenty of issues.


              Re: (Solved) More Software Sources?

              Got it. Thank you all!!
              Kbuntu 8.10 - KDE 4.1 / &lt;strike&gt;Windows XP Professional&lt;/strike&gt;<br />Foxconn 661FX Motherboard - 575W PS<br />3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4HT - OC @ 3.4GHz<br />2GB Corsair DDR 400 RAM<br />512MB ATI Saphire (Radeon) X1650<br />Maxtor 300GB Internal HDD - &lt;strike&gt;Windows&lt;/strike&gt; Storage!<br />Maxtor 160GB Internal HDD - Kbuntu

