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downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

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    downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

    i would like to downgrade from broken kde 4.2 rc1 back to kde 4.1.4 due to some dependencies errors that prevent me to login to kde session. any suggestion how to do it in console

    thank you very much,


    Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

    dependencies errors
    Are those unrepairable ?

    i would like to downgrade from broken kde 4.2 rc1 back to kde 4.1.4...
    ...any suggestion how to do it in console
    I would:

    #1 The easy and fast way (?)

    I would do a reinstallation. I have a separate home > FAQ: How to Partition >> RecommendSeparateHome
    Having a separate partition for /home is always a good idea, since it lets you reinstall your system without losing valuable personal data...

    #2 Removing and installing

    I would install:

    xfce4 (good to have when working with the experimental/alpha//beta/rc KDE releases)
    Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for unix-like operating systems.
    This package is a meta-package; it depends on the core packages of the
    Xfce4 desktop environment...
    synaptic (>FAQ: Package Managers)
    Synaptic is a graphical package management tool based on GTK+ and APT.
    Synaptic enables you to install, upgrade and remove software packages in
    a user friendly way.
    After installation:

    I would start a session with the Xfce, press Alt+F2 and type kdesudo synaptic. If the kdesudo is broken i would install gksu (or use sudo /1/).

    Earlier > Topic: KDE 4.1 -> KDE 4.0 Downgrade

    Synaptic package manager (FAQ: Package Managers) has search with the version number => You search with "Version=4.0.80" remove those packages.
    Note #1
    KDE 4.2 RC1 version number is 4.1.96

    After this disable PPA repositories and install kubuntu-kde4-desktop.
    Note #2
    With the Intrepid install: kubuntu-desktop (?)

    Note #3
    I have not tested this ! It should work but "The Devil Is In The Details".

    /1/ > > RootSudo
    You should never use sudo to start graphical applications as root. You should use gksudo to run such programs (eg. ALT+F2 gksudo gedit). For users of Kubuntu, use kdesu instead of gksudo.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

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    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

      thank you, rog, for your kind reply!

      Are those unrepairable ?
      i'm not considering myself a linux geek to try to take a journey through dependencies hell.

      #1 The easy and fast way
      luckily my /home is already on a separate partition, so if nothing else goes i can always just reinstall. it's just that i have tons of applications installed that i even don't remember all of them and it would take me days to try to remember and install back all.

      #2 Removing and installing
      i think i'm gonna try this. it's an interesting suggestion. thanks again!


        Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

        it's just that i have tons of applications installed that i even don't remember all of them and it would take me days to try to remember and install back all.
        There are ways to generate a list of installed packages and use it to reinstall packages:

        > How to clone an installation?
        > FAQ: How to get list of installed packages
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        Why there are dead links ?
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        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

          i did what you suggested and the things went 'quite' smoothly. i'm back on kde4.1.4. well... almost.

          i can login and the wireless connects automaticly, but... there's no panel, no plasma settings, no desktop image and the shortcuts also doesn't work.

          it looks like this:

          i could just give up and reinstall intrepid, but since i think that i'm almost there, i am asking for some more help...

          thanks again,



            Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

            Have you tried to rename the .kde directory ? That should reset kde settings.

            Earlier > Re: Enabling Effects causes Black screen (TRY #2)

            or maybe: press Alt+F2 and type konsole. When konsole is up, give a command:
            Plasma desktop should start or give a error message(s)
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              Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

              i just renamed .kde to reset settings, but no succsess. the kde settings did get reseted but that didn't help. the look of the desktop is pretty much the same than before that.

              the alt+f2 key doesn't work as any other key doesnt't.


                Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

                Hmm - ??


                Check that you have all the kde packages, something like this:
                kdebase, core applications for the KDE 4 desktop.
                kdebase-workspace, a basic KDE 4 desktop installation.
                kdemultimedia, metapackage includes multimedia applications.
                kdenetwork, metapackage includes networking applications.
                kdeutils, metapackage includes general-purpose utilities.
                kdegraphics, metapackage includes graphics applications.
                kdepimlibs5, core libraries for KDE PIM 4 applications
                libplasma2, library for the KDE 4 Plasma desktop
                if you start Xfce4 and there give the plasma command in the konsole, any errors ?

                Sadly: "The Devil Is In The Details".
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                  Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

                  i checked and installed kdebase and kdebase-workspace. theese TWO (of many with similar names; kdebase-bin, ...) weren't installed before. then went to kubuntu session but everything was the same.

                  then i typed 'pasma' in terminal and this is what i got:

                  <unknown program name>(17209)/ checkComposite: Plasma has an argb visual 0x80c3278 52428801
                  <unknown program name>(17209)/ checkComposite: Plasma is COMPOSITE-less on 0x80bc8a0
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
                  X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
                   Major opcode: 18 (X_ChangeProperty)
                   Resource id: 0x3200037
                  and, also!, the whole xfce desktop bacame the same like if loging-in to kubuntu session (no wallpaper, just squares all over).

                  i think it must be somthing with plasma.


                    Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

                    When googling with the:
                    X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3

                    UPDATE: deleting .kde and .kderc allows plasma to come back up...
                    It seems to be caused by Compiz Fusion desktop effects.
                    Do you have Compiz enabled ?

                    I finally found the issue which appears to be a problem in the way my
                    NVIDIA driver was installed.
                    What kind of GPU do you have ? Drivers ? xorg.conf ?

                    Mixed Qt4 libs.
                    > ...

                    the whole xfce desktop bacame the same like if loging-in to kubuntu session (no wallpaper, just squares all over).

                    i think it must be somthing with plasma.
                    Yes, it seems that the plasma can't draw the plasmoids. Here, with the xfce, i get normal plasma desktop.

                    Log of plasma, when starting with the Xfce4 (Composite off):
                    Attached Files
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                    Why there are dead links ?
                    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                    2. Thread: Lost Information


                      Re: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4

                      thanks for all your effort, rug!

                      i lost my nerves and reinstalled kubuntu, so i will probably never know if "delete .kde and .kderc" worked.

                      no, i haven't got desktop effects enabled. they cause too much instability on my computer.

                      i hope somebody else would find this post useful.

                      thanks again,


