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Change Default Desktop

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    Re: Change Default Desktop

    Here's a couple of ideas, to try. If they don't work, I'm inclined to go with Snowhog -- you could easily spend more time futzing about with this odd situation that it would take to do a new installation and reconfigure your stuff.

    1. Back up the .kde folder with
    mv .kde .kde-bak28nov08
    and then restart X, and see if it presents a KDE login screen.

    2. If that doesn't help, first shut down X, by doing Ctrl-Alt-F1 and at the tty console entering
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
    Then try
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
    and observe the error output.

    I think the "conffiles" output is referring to a conflict between KDM and the files in /etc/kde4. But on my Intrepid system, which was never a Hardy system, I also have both an /etc/kde3 folder and a /etc/kde4 folder, and there are no such conflicts. I suspect something didn't quite work during a previous upgrade, leaving this conflict.


      Re: Change Default Desktop

      I will try this and get back.


        Re: Change Default Desktop

        OK Dibl, I tried the suggestions and I still have the problem. Since it occurred during a change in system run levels. I've had a hunch this might relate to the files in etc/rc3.d which relate to the graphical run level. This turned up a link file with a missing target:

        S99kdm -kde4
        The missing link was to a file in the kdm-kde4 directory (which is no longer there because I renamed it as you suggested) and is my next question.

        How do I correct the location the link points to or how can I remove and replace the link?


          Re: Change Default Desktop

          I have this to add. On my last <LEAVE> <Session Logout> the system froze again without displaying
          Not Starting K Display.....
          The last item noted was
          Starting TiMidity ALSA midi emmulator[OK]
          Then the cursor was blinking. I was able to exit the Xwindow manager with the <CTL><ALT><F1>.


            Re: Change Default Desktop

            Originally posted by magic-chef
            OK Dibl, I tried the suggestions and I still have the problem. Since it occurred during a change in system run levels. I've had a hunch this might relate to the files in etc/rc3.d which relate to the graphical run level. This turned up a link file with a missing target:

            S99kdm -kde4
            The missing link was to a file in the kdm-kde4 directory (which is no longer there because I renamed it as you suggested) and is my next question.

            How do I correct the location the link points to or how can I remove and replace the link?
            OK, I'm getting very confused ....

            You posted under 8.10. In 8.10, there is no package "kdm-kde4", nor any such directory. I instructed you to rename the hidden .kde folder in your ~/user/ directory.

            And what's this about "run levels"? *buntu does not use run levels. It starts KDM which is under /etc/init.d/, but it does not use run levels like other Debians. So I'm not sure what you've got going on there .... :P

            My vote goes for a careful re-installation.


              Re: Change Default Desktop

              Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse. The multiple kdm issue is discussed in the early thread. I will heed your advice though...after I get a new hard drive to archive my files. Just have to shutdown the computer for now. Allowing it to shut off will also save energy.

              Thanks again!

