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The sound of desperation....

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    The sound of desperation....

    I think I am ready to go anywhere in preference to yet another url reading about the gazillionth way to fix the complete lack of sound. I wouldn't mind so much (perversely) if I'd never had sound or indeed one of these url's fixed my problem once and for all. Having had it working fine and then lost it one night with first firefox waving goodbye. Then Amarok. Then it re-appearing for while from the speakers of a headset just to tease me before disappearing again. I've wasted an hour this evening going through the sound faq just because I could think of nothing better to do and I was that desperate. But no longer !

    Me. I think I've had enough tinkering. I'm going on holiday and when I get back I will wipe this PC and try another distro. Shame really as I'd grown rather attached to kubuntu but frankly - life is too short. Windows for all it's many faults can play sound through speakers and generally keep doing it for years. Is it really that hard ?

    Re: The sound of desperation....

    Originally posted by Sanvista
    Is it really that hard ?
    Apparently, yes.


      Re: The sound of desperation....

      i know what you mean...

      Can't much of the sound problem be solved by upgrading to KDE 4.2.00? Like one person did?

      And can someone please tell me how to do that? Thanks in advance..


        Re: The sound of desperation....

        Originally posted by rmc007

        Can't much of the sound problem be solved by upgrading to KDE 4.2.00?
        Not likely.

        Your best bet is to start here:

        and follow the guidance. If you get stuck, post back with details on your sound chip, and we might be able to help you.


          Re: The sound of desperation....

          Thank you. Much obliuged..


            Re: The sound of desperation....

            Originally posted by dibl

            Your best bet is to start here:


            and follow the guidance. If you get stuck, post back with details on your sound chip, and we might be able to help you.
            Thing is - that's what I did last night. I gave up at the point where it suggested that I might like to roll my own drivers. Given that install evidence would suggest that the right drivers are there as it was working at some point so it's probably a config issue I wonder what is the point of continuing. F'sure I could keep trying - perversely one of the reason I enjoy using Linux is the intellectual challenge i.e fighting it when it throws up stuff like this. I enjoy fixing stuff like this.

            But I think I've just about given up on this and am ready to admit defeat and move onto some other challenge. I've read enough on this subject to know that many seem to have had similar problems and for quite some time so I'm unlucky in that it's only happened on the move to II.

            Basically life's too short. Chip set is Intel btw but thanks for the offer of help.


              Re: The sound of desperation....

              Couple of questions - a bit basic so forgive me if you've already gone through them.

              I note you say you have tried a headset. Is it a USB one or one you plug into the headphone socket?

              Also, can I assume you have run the test within kmenu/system setting/sound? What was the outcome - did you hear nothing at all?


                Re: The sound of desperation....

                Originally posted by The Liquidator
                Couple of questions - a bit basic so forgive me if you've already gone through them.

                I note you say you have tried a headset. Is it a USB one or one you plug into the headphone socket?

                Also, can I assume you have run the test within kmenu/system setting/sound? What was the outcome - did you hear nothing at all?
                Well I started with just external speakers connected. This worked fine when I did the original distro installation. I then added a logitech USB headset with mic. This caused all outputs to go via the headset. I also lost playback from amarok but still had it working with FF/Youtube. Then that went so I removed the headset in an attempt to get back to basics and er got nothing at all then. I did for a while ( a short while) get sound working on the headset which I plugged back in out of sheer desperation. Now I've installed / de-installed so many things so many times that I can only surmise it's bust for good.

                Oh and what "test" in kmenu/system settings/sound. I can only see config options - nowt with the word "test" on it.


                  Re: The sound of desperation....

                  What is your sound chip? In the Konsole, issue
                  to see it.

                  Question #2 is, does the ALSA project have a driver for it? You look it up here:


                  by clicking on the OEM name and looking at the list of model numbers that are supported. If your chip is listed, and it shows there is a driver for it, then you know it's possible to make it work (depending on the implementation on your motherboard, of course.)

                  So, then you follow this process:


                  and if you get stuck and can't figure out how to proceed, you can post back here with the details on your sound system and the step of the guide that you can't get past.


                    Re: The sound of desperation....

                    To follow up on your response to me...


                    Oh and what "test" in kmenu/system settings/sound. I can only see config options - nowt with the word "test" on it.

                    I've got my Linux box in front of me now.
                    its system settings/multimedia/device preference. If you highlight a device you can then hit a "test" button.

