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kdesvn completely broken

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    kdesvn completely broken


    did someone else also notice that kdesvn is completely broken? I cannot open neither a working copy nor a repository. It always says "Not a working copy". -- Well mostly. Sometimes it works. When I could open a working copy, kdesvn crashes every time I try to checkin. And every now and then -- when I issue an 'svn update' for example -- I get strange error messages stating something about utf-8 or some path not to be a working copy.

    This is really driving me nuts. The only thing I can do about it is going back to command line. -- I really whish KDE had something like TortoiseSVN. -- Is there anything like that for KDE (or maybe even non-KDE) I don't know of?


    Re: kdesvn completely broken

    I think the problem is that kdesvn was built against svn 1.4, but the latest version of svn (which is probably installed on your system) is 1.5...

    If it were working , you could install kdesvn-kio-plugins for some pretty decent konqueror integration...

    Now the question is, does anyone know where to find an version of kdesvn that's built against 1.5? (A slightly more up-to-date version of kdesvn itself would be nice too... version 0.14 is in the repo, where the current release is 1.0.2.)


      Re: kdesvn completely broken

      Thanks for the info.
      I can't believe the latest version of kdesvn is 1.0.2 and (k)ubuntu still comes with 0.14.
      Why would kdesvn be built against svn 1.4 when (k)ubuntu comes with svn 1.5?

      @kdesvn-kio-plugins: I didn't know these exist. I do have them installed on my system. Are these supposed to work with konqueror only? I ask because now dolphin is kubuntu's app for file browsing and stuff. Can dolphin integrate these plugins as well? I'd hate to switch apps.

      Anyway, I hope that kubuntu soon ships with a more recent version of kdesvn, buit against the correct svn version. Is there some way to trigger this, to file a request or such?

      Meanwhile I tried RapidSVN. I's more stable than kdesvn but also crashes often. Is there some other alternative?



        Re: kdesvn completely broken

        try esvn I have been using it from the repo's and seems stable. I have not had any problem


          Re: kdesvn completely broken

          esvn? Never heard of it before. Seems promising. I'll try that when I'm back home...

          Thanks for the pointer,


            Re: kdesvn completely broken

            I found a more up-to-date build. No telling how well tested it is, but it seems to have been built by the creator of kdesvn and so far (a very quick test) is working fine on my system:


            I think you need to install in this order: libsvnqt, kdesvn, kdesvn-kio-plugins. The -dev package doesn't seem necessary.

            (BTW, the reason that kdesvn is build against svnlib 1.4 is that, when 8.04 shipped, that was the current version. Of course, who ever upgraded svn to 1.5 should have also upgraded kdesvn, IMO. )

