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Skype install from Ubuntu 8.04+ download: no mike!

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    Skype install from Ubuntu 8.04+ download: no mike!

    I've had Skype working OK, but had to reinstall Kubuntu Hardy recently, and now - it doesn't. My plugin mike is very clearly working, but Skype doesn't recognize it. I've turned everything on in KMix, and it makes no difference. I uninstalled from Adept (the only way I could find to do it, then tried to reinstall from adept - but it wouldn't respond to my "install" request.

    Reinstalled from the Skype website download, but it still doesn't work. I cannot achieve a successful test call.

    I've dredged the Kubuntu Forums and not found anything to use, other than the possibility that a UCB mike might work where my plugin doesn't. BUT it did. Just not know.

    Any ideas, anyone?

    Re: Skype install from Ubuntu 7.04+ download: no mike!

    i've ditched kmix.
    i use alsamixer from command line.
    i get my skype from the medibuntu repositories.
    getting the bloody thing to work reliably through different versions is a pain in the arse.
    it reminds me of that old black sabbath's song: " you see it, now you don't..."
    when things go as they should, you should see the capture volume driven by skype.
    have you checked "skype -> options -> sound devices" ?!?
    that's how i fixed mine last time around...
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: Skype install from Ubuntu 7.04+ download: no mike!

      Originally posted by jankushka
      ...have you checked "skype -> options -> sound devices" ?!?
      that's how i fixed mine last time around...
      Same here. I had to choose the "USB Device JDFADE9FVSAJF-32JF (hw:GJSWGTJ3IGF0S)" for Sound In.

      (Those letters/numbers are just junk in my example... point being, I don't use any of the nVIDIA choices or "default device". It should be the same device that you are telling KMix to "capture")


        Re: Skype install from Ubuntu 7.04+ download: no mike!

        i've ditched kmix.
        i use alsamixer from command line.

        i get my skype from the medibuntu repositories.
        OK. I went there and installed:
        * skype-common_2.0.0.72-0medibuntu1_all.deb
        * skype_2.0.0.72-0medibuntu1_i386.deb

        I note that their combined size is identical to that of the debian download from the skype website. So is their effect. I have no change in the problem I'm experiencing.

        when things go as they should, you should see the capture volume driven by skype.
        Huh? What does this mean, please?

        have you checked "skype -> options -> sound devices" ?!?
        Yes. When I move Options > Sound devices > Sound in/out to anything but default, the test call window reports "problem with audio capture".

        I have no idea what to do at this point.


          Re: Skype install from Ubuntu 7.04+ download: no mike!

          ...have you checked "skype -> options -> sound devices" ?!?
          that's how i fixed mine last time around...
          Same here. I had to choose the "USB Device JDFADE9FVSAJF-32JF (hw:GJSWGTJ3IGF0S)" for Sound In.

          (Those letters/numbers are just junk in my example... point being, I don't use any of the nVIDIA choices or "default device". It should be the same device that you are telling KMix to "capture")

          I'm not telling KMix to capture anything. It offers only a slider labeled "capture". I see no way to determine what is actually being controlled by that slider. I have turned all channels on, and moved their sliders to about 75% of max. It has no effect. My Skype test call, with Sound Device In/Out (Skype Options) set to default, still records nothing at all. When I use my mike for other things, it works fine - I can hear it coming into my headphone, for example.

          Still stuck, I'm afraid.


            Re: Skype install from Ubuntu 7.04+ download: no mike!

            i've ditched kmix because i've always found all those green/orange/red switches confusing.
            i would never know what's on and what's off.
            don't know.
            it's probably just me.

            getting skype off the medibuntu repositories is just so that you can manage it like any other package.
            if don't like wandering the internet looking for my software and my updates.
            especially when apt makes it so easy to manage.

            the above was...for your info, only.

            as for the capture volume...
            there's an "allow skype to automatically adjust my mixer levels" option in skype.
            when you start a call, you'll see your mixer's capture volume go up.
            when you end a call, you'll see it go back down.
            that's obviously if everything's works alright.
            so that you don't have to worry about your mixer's status.

            i myself can only use my laptop's integrated mike.
            if i try and configure an external one (e.g. the headphones' one) then everything breaks.
            the integrated mike is always on, no matter what.
            this results in skype turning the capture volume down instead of up.
            which means that the input signal is not captured and people don't hear what i say.

            still, the integrated mike didn't work with the default skype config.
            i had to go to "sound devices" and change it.
            that's why i suggested to go there and check.

            i haven't tested the latest skype with my latest 8.04 (i'm frankly a bit tired of it).
            but this thing has always been a pain in the butt!
            gnu/linux is not windoze


              Re: Skype install from Ubuntu 8.04+ download: no mike!

              Thanks for the clarifications.

              I'm finding this whole mess distressing. It used to work fine. Now, nothing I do helps, and I no longer have what I paid for.

              As for the meter (volume) output - I never see anything like that, not even something showing a zero reading.

              I really don't know what to do at this point.


                Re: Skype install from Ubuntu 8.04+ download: no mike!

                if this is of any consolation to you, after about a month of test using 8.04, i've gone back to 7.10.
                8.04 drove me nuts.
                gnu/linux is not windoze

