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Dolphin vs. Konqueror

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    Dolphin vs. Konqueror

    I've just noticed that Kubuntu uses the program called "Dolphin" as the default file manager. Dolphin looks like a nice, easy-to-use program. Without playing with it too much, I am wondering what the big differences are between Dolphin and Konqueror (as file manager)? The split view is a nice one which lets you move files between two locations without opening two file manager instances or tabs. Any other nice features that make Dolphin stand out?
    Registered Linux User: #281828 | Kubuntu User: #22280

    Kubuntu 18.04 LTS
    Dell Precision Workstation T5500 (Xeon @ 2.13GHz x 2 / 12 GB RAM)

    Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

    Any other nice features that make Dolphin stand out?
    KDE 3.5.X Dolphin (or D3lphin) is a nice light file manager BUT it is beta:

    Dolphin File manager
    The KDE 3 version of Dolphin is in beta stage, but provides already most features for daily usage. Currently Dolphin gets ported for KDE 4.0.

    D3lphin 0.9:

    As mentioned on the roadmap, no official maintenance release for KDE 3 will be released anymore. But the good news is that Marcel Juhnke decided to do further bugfixing for the KDE 3 version of Dolphin and also included features like a second sidebar. As this is no official release, this project is named D3lphin and can be downloaded at Please don't submit any bug reports for D3lphin to the KDE bug database and contact Marcel directly instead.

    Why Kubuntu is using d3lphin:

    Topic: Dolphin or D3lphin? [Oddity] / Jucato
    Some Kubuntu developers decided to help make Kubuntu users' transition to KDE 4 a bit easier, by introducing some KDE 4 features in KDE 3, like Dolphin and Strigi. So it was decided to use D3lphin on Kubuntu 7.10 by default, except renamed to Dolphin.

    Changing default:

    Topic: How to change konqueror back to default file manager in 7.10

    Topic: Krusader questions... (Krusader as default file manager)

    Modifying Dolphin:

    Topic: Service Menus with Dolphin

    Topic: Dolphin Filter Bar [solved]
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      Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

      Thanks for the guide to set krusader as default file manager Rog131.
      Out of curiosity, would it be harmfull to kde to sudo apt-get remove dolphin (I really don't like it).
      Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


        Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

        Konqueror too has the split view capability and is hands down superior to Dolphin.
        The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason .....Benjamin Franklin<br />Kubuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Xbuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Win7 x64 Ultimate<br />Linux User: 416878&nbsp; &nbsp; Kubuntu User: 22154


          Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

          Out of curiosity, would it be harmfull to kde to sudo apt-get remove dolphin (I really don't like it).
          I don't think so:

          Note !
          It would be wise to set file associations etc. before you remove dolphin.

          :~$ sudo apt-get remove -s dolphin
          These packages will be REMOVED:
          0 updated, 0 new installation, 1 removed and 3 unupdated.
          Remv dolphin [0.9.2-0ubuntu2]
          man apt-get
          -s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act
          No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do
          not actually change the system.

          and if there are mysterious error messages afterwards:
          :~$ sudo apt-get install dolphin
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            Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

            KDE is shooting themselves in the foot with dolphin. They are doing the same thing that windows did with internetexplorer. They used code in IE for other things in windows so you can't get rid of it. KDE is doing the samething with dolphin. I'm sure that KDE will go down the tubes because of this decision.

            Personally I am going to go back to fiesty and if that doesn't work I am dumping Kubuntu altogether. Kubuntu has hitched it's wagon to the KDE horse and that is a three legged mule at this point. Actually as I write this I don't think I will even bother with fiesty. I came on this forum today to see about downgrading to fiesty but it's not worth it. I will just install Slackware 12.1 and use whatever desktop I want when ever I want. I am downloading it as I write this.

            Dolphin is truly a pile of steaming crap. It should be considered alpha stage. It's so bad that when I install a thumb drive in the USB port it comes up with a mounted hard drive as the mount point. This is just plain bad programming. And now this plain bad programming will be the basis of all KDE. The really good thing is QT is runnable without KDE. So apps that use QT will run under other desktops. So I, or anybody else for that matter, don't need KDE.

            So goodby kubuntu. I would like to say it's been fun but well you know.


              Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

              Dolphin removed, thanks.

              While on filemanagers, myself I prefer krusader, but I stumbled on
              It's gtk but it's rather nice/fast. I use it on the second monitor. If you get the error about the icons, the text says to modify a file named '.gtkrc-2.0', but it's actually '.gtkrc-2.0-kde'.
              Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


                Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

                Originally posted by misfire99
                KDE is shooting themselves in the foot with dolphin. They are doing the same thing that windows did with internetexplorer. They used code in IE for other things in windows so you can't get rid of it. KDE is doing the samething with dolphin. I'm sure that KDE will go down the tubes because of this decision.
                Funny, and a little bit backwards
                Konqueror got nailed by some when it first became the 'Swiss-Army_knife" tool it is today, for the exact same argument, false as it was. Now Dolphin is getting flack for being a 'one-trick pony'. I will say, and keep saying, that Konqueror is not going away, not loosing any of it features as a file manager.Konq actually uses other backends for its different tasks, opposite the 'IE-is-everywhere' method.

                that when I install a thumb drive in the USB port it comes up with a mounted hard drive as the mount point. This is just plain bad programming.
                I don't understand, what should it be mounted as? Mine all display as 'xxxGb removeable media', and they are drives, and they have to be mounted somewhere

                So goodby kubuntu. I would like to say it's been fun but well you know.
                So you probably won't see this post then

                I wonder what he thinks of Gnome, then?

                I think a lot of these issues and concerns will be better addressed once we see the KDE4.1 betas, on the way to it's final release


                  Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

                  First, thanks Rog131 for all the useful information. 8)

                  I've been playing with Dolphin for the last few days. Quite honestly, I don't see much superiority or inferiority in it compared with Konqueror. One positive thing about Dolphin is that it honours the KDE colour scheme, which Konqueror doesn't. Some folks here seem to dislike Dolphin for one reason or another. Fortunately, I haven't found anything negative about Dolphin (yet).
                  Registered Linux User: #281828 | Kubuntu User: #22280

                  Kubuntu 18.04 LTS
                  Dell Precision Workstation T5500 (Xeon @ 2.13GHz x 2 / 12 GB RAM)


                    Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

                    Originally posted by misfire99

                    So goodby kubuntu. I would like to say it's been fun but well you know.
                    And goodbye Mr. Registered 2 April Jumped Off 26 May. Thanks for a well-reasoned and researched contribution!



                      Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

                      Classic forum trolls need to be fed once in a while, don't they?

                      I am using the KDE 3.5.9 version of 8.04 Kubuntu - and I have had dolphin or d3lphin or whatever on my computer for about six months I think.

                      I still don't see the motivation for going away from konqueror as a file manager. Actually (ducking upcoming flak) Internet Explorer isn't that bad either. The fact that it is still around means that the program that can do anything (given appropriate pluggin-in of new/3rd party components) has some reason to live.
                      As the world will be moving away from standalone doitall pcs towards a more networked infrastructure with common serverside solutions again the do-it-all browser and manager becomes the primary tool that connects to almost everything else (I call such programs conquerors....). In other words, if anything more important than in the past.

                      It is an anachronism in KDE development then, that has flipped this upside down and led to defocusing of the Konqueror development to produce it's less gifted little brother the d3lphin or dolphin or whatever. Surely, a lot of the grandmothers around will find his cuddly charm irresistible but after all the big brother got all the muscles and the brain too.

                      Moving files from a to b is really the simplest thing and there are probably hundreds of programs that can display a directory tree and manipulate its contents with the mouse. Whoever made the world buy the split window view a necessity (some old-schooler on MC nostalgia trip), this pops up in nearly every article and every discussion thread I see on the subjhet, at least they managed to take almost all the focus away from the ever-increasing challenge of technology integration on the desktop. They probably work for microsoft.

                      Somebody already mentioned that Konquerors architecture (with strong backends doing the work) is more robust than the microsoft approach (IE appears more like the I can do everything blob of code that is thrown at every task, cause just about any program these days can crash IE...however I have never seen even the directory tree for the source code of IE so I am just ranting!) I think this needs to be reinforced, and the next big winner in browsefilemanager war is the application that supports web-desktop integration better. A few years ago, when I started using konqueror it was superior to the other internet browsers but recently the competition has been catching up and konq is now struggling with net usability because a lot of popular websites have code that does not render well or does not render at all in konqueror yet works ok in firefox, opera and IE. These include some of the more influental websites like yahoo, as well as smaller ones like deviantart. Yeah I know this might indicate substandard code on these websites but tolerance for html dialects and dialects in a variety of add-in languages seem to be important to get the browser to work if it is not in the testing quiver of the website developers.


                        Re: Dolphin vs. Konqueror

                        About Dolphin

                        Dolphin is evolving: Dolphin Features for KDE 4.1

                        and so is Konqueror: News from the land of Konquerors and Konqueror session management + crash handler

                        About defaults

                        This is Linux, if you don't like someone else's ideas/defaults => you can customize your system as you please...

                        And if someone don't want to customize Kubuntu; There are hundreds of Linux distributions: and other options: OpenSolaris ...

                        More Intrepid Ibex and KDE links in the: Intrepid Release Schedule, Plans, KDE 4.1
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