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Setting up a network for the first time in my life!

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    Setting up a network for the first time in my life!


    I have desktop with Kubuntu Hardy and a laptop, also with Kubuntu Hardy. The router I have is a D-LINK DSL 504 T.

    I have never ever set up a network. Essentially, what I want to do is be able to transfer files from my desktop to the laptop (and vice versa), so I have all files on my laptop when I travel.

    I have root permission for both machines.

    Thanks for your help!

    Re: Setting up a network for the first time in my life!


    Your router should be giving your systems ip addresses through dhcp. Log onto your systems and from command line type in "ifconfig" and see what ip address your system has been assigned (do that for both desktop and laptop). Then you should be able to ssh from one machine to the other. There are other ways to sync files between machines (rsync) but this should get you started.


      Re: Setting up a network for the first time in my life!

      SSH is relatively easy to setup, but I have found NFS to be a lot faster for file transfers. If security is an issue, by all means use SSH. If not, try NFS. Here is a link to a post on the Ubuntu forum that works.

      If you give both your computers fixed IP addresses on the local network it makes things easier.

      Here is another very good link.

