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Update not updating?

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    Update not updating?

    Hi, all. First post here, from a long-time Linux user but new Kubuntu user.

    Right. So I install 8.04B and it looks good, but the system hangs every time within half an hour. Finally think it's solved with acpi=off (old BIOS in this box), but then a new USB2 controller is dead. Finally fix that with the ehci_hcd removal. Seems stable enough, so I started running the updates. Adept gets the headers and downloads the files, but when stops with a commit error while still showing 0%. Is this a known problem?

    Also, when I tried to install Firefox (2) via Adept, it has a config error; Firefox is there, but it couldn't find the spell-checker. So I cannot spell-check in forum posts! Bummer.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


    Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY

    Re: Update not updating?


    this is usually the standard procedure with Adept "anomalies" :
    Type these lines in the console (in this sequence):

    sudo dpkg --configure -a

    sudo apt-get autoclean

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install

    You might want to try reinstalling Firefox after you've sorted things out with adept.

    I break it, therefore I learn it.<br />


      Re: Update not updating?

      Excellent. I had tried the "dpkg --configure -a" line already...I'll give the rest a try tonight. Thanks! 8)
      Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


        Re: Update not updating?

        Welcome, Mike.

        If you open the KMenu>System>Adept Manager, and click "Adept" and then "Repositories", you might find the opportunity to change the mirror server. Sometimes that can make a difference, depending on where on earth you are.

        The file in your system that sets the sources is at /etc/apt/sources.list. So that's where you would go to change them manually. The standard KDE editor is Kate, and you open it in Super User (aka root) mode by doing Alt-F2 and entering "kdesu kate" with no quote marks, and then giving your password.


          Re: Update not updating?

          Well, I ended up reinstalling; something was hosed in the package database. This time the updates ran flawlessly.

          Now I'm off to install all the apps I've used over the years that didn't come with this distro.

          I must say I'm surprised acroread isn't in the repositories, though. I'm assuming that's due to licensing stipulations by Adobe.

          Thanks again.

          Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


            Re: Update not updating?

            Good -- glad you got it working Mike.

            I don't know acroread, but before you start launching downloaded tarballs all over the place, you probably will want to review what standard packages are available (there are 24,000+ of them).

            If acroread is for the purpose of reading PDFs, for example, you've already got Kpdf in the packages -- just open Adept Manager and mark it and "Apply" and you'll be able to read PDFs.


              Re: Update not updating?

              Yeah, I'm familiar with kdpf, but still prefer Adobe's Reader. I downloaded it from Adobe's site as a .deb file and it installed fine, and automagically installed its plug-in for Firefox.

              I have one more question, though. In earlier installs of Ubuntu (and maybe Kubuntu), a dialog box popped up asking about using nVidia's proprietary driver binary; I have not seen that yet with this install. What's the trick to trigger that again?


              Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


                Re: Update not updating?

                Never mind. Found it here:



                Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


                  Re: Update not updating?

                  I've had mixed success with the Restricted Driver Manager. If it craps out on you, or installs the wrong version (like it did for me), here's a great alternative:


