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ATI Raedon driver question

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    ATI Raedon driver question

    Hi folks,
    complete, and I mean, complete newbie here. I downloaded and installed Kubuntu 8.04.02, I think it's the newer 02 version, anyway, I have an ATI Raedon HD 2400 Pro graphics card in my computer. I know I need to put the driver in here for linux, and I did go and get it, and it's downloaded to my desktop. (I know I need it because the system has asked me to do things concerning this driver) I'm afraid to install it, because this is my second install on my computer of Kubuntu, the first one, well, it didn't really crash, but when I first got it installed, and the system asked me to do something about the graphics driver, it allowed me, or "suggested" that I install whatever one it wanted me to install, I did as it asked, and then my monitor went to complete black screen, couldn't do anything but force quit, and start over. (this was easy, because it was installed thru wubi in windows, I was being careful) So, now I"m in here more permanently, I didn't use wubi this time, because I LIKE Linux, so far. I'm really reluctant to do this install, the graphics is working just fine right now, and if it ain't broke, why fix it, you know? (I did try searching for my issue, but I didn't find my video card, and what I did find about ATI cards, I didn't understand anyway!, lol)
    Anyway, can anyone tell me how to install the driver? Should I even do it?
    I'm also having trouble getting flash player to install in Firefox. I've done the download, twice, I think, lol, but when I go into aboutlugins, it's not showing in there. I also have that downloaded to my desktop.
    And, this is just bugging me, hhehehehe, but is there any way, that when I boot up, that I can have my numlocks be turned on immediately, because I use it to put my password in, and I use those keys, and right now I have to hit the numlock key to get them to work. This is a small thing, but I'm so used to using those keys, that this has been driving me nuts!
    Any help will be greatly appreciated And please remember, picture me sitting here in a wet diaper, with a binky in my mouth ! lol Thank You soooooo much, you all are a real blessing! wowie

    Re: ATI Raedon driver question

    Hi, it's me again. Disregard the flash player issue, I got it going! All by myself! hehehe Change my diaper, I get a dry one for this! It's all installed and working fine. thanks all Love you guys, because I couldn't do this without you!

