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Creative X-FI Fatal1ty sound card not quite working with OSS4

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    Creative X-FI Fatal1ty sound card not quite working with OSS4

    I followed a guide to get my card working and it did, in Amarok at least. Well for other reasons a reboot was required.

    This time I found this guide and followed it to the "t." The installation went fine. But sound did not work. Now, trying to open an .mp3 in Amarok freezes my system.

    osstest freezes my system
    apt-get moo for more cowbell<br /><br />Intel Core 2 Duo 3.16 GHz<br />4 GB DDR2 RAM OCZ<br />EVGA Geforce 8800 GT<br />ASUS P5Q Deluxe Motherboard<br />Antec 900 Case<br />Creative Fatal1ty

    Re: Creative X-FI Fatal1ty sound card not quite working with OSS4

    Man, what are you doing using OSS4 for Creative?
    The 'default' is ALSA. (It is compliant, with the reason why.)
    I answered one of your previous questions...about Sound problem.
    I run a Creative Audigy card, and it works perfectly.
    Under ALSA setting.
    I know, the X-FI Fatality card is a 'better class' of Sound card than a dreary Audigy one, but, hey, they are both "Creative".
    You're overdoing the 'tinkering' configuring bit, aren't you?
    Go back to basics....means just that.
    Start anew, with ALSA, and see what happens. (If you haven't already messed your Sound up enough as it is.)

