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Logitech 9000 Pro Webcam works!

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    Logitech 9000 Pro Webcam works!

    I recently Purchased a Logitech 9000 Pro Webcam. It worked out of the box for Ekiga and Skype. But I could not get it to work with any programs that would allow me to capture the video and sound.

    After several days of googling, and total frustration I finally found out what the problem is, and a solution.

    It seems that in the 64 bit HH install, v4linux2 is used, instead of v4linux. Most of the programs don't recognize v4linux2. Those that do, don't have sound, or don't offer a capture feature.

    Then I found Guvcview.

    They have a .deb file, but it works only on i386 and not 64 bit. But the source file works on 64 bit.

    Download the source file and then:

    # sudo apt-get install build-essential autotools-dev libsdl1.2-dev libgtk2.0-dev portaudio19-dev libpng12-dev

    # tar -xvf guvcview-src-0.9.2.tar.gz
    # cd guvcview-src-0.9.2
    # ./configure --prefix=/usr
    # make
    # sudo make install

    This program should work with all Webcams using the uvcview driver.

    Re: Logitech 9000 Pro Webcam works!


    I too have a Logitech 9000 pro, but my experience with 32bit HH (8.04.1) is different than yours. Out of the box, the 9000 pro worked with lucview and Kopete displays the camera output in its settings window, but I can't get mine to work with tokbox ( or Ekiga. My goal is to video conference with my family over the holidays. Of course they are all Windoze users so it appears I'm the obstacle right now in making this work.

    I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thanks.

    "If you're in a room with another person who sees the world exactly as you do, one of you is redundant." Dr. Steven Covey, The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People


      Re: Logitech 9000 Pro Webcam works!

      I'm not running anything with 32 bit 8.04 now, so I can't experiment. But It works for me in Ekiga and in Skype.

      I tried the tokbox thing, won't work for me either. I tried clicking on camera and microphone settings, but it didn't open.

      Try Skype.


        Re: Logitech 9000 Pro Webcam works!

        Skype works great ! Thanks.

        "If you're in a room with another person who sees the world exactly as you do, one of you is redundant." Dr. Steven Covey, The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People

