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Help me fix cupsd?

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    Help me fix cupsd?

    Back when I first installed Kubuntu on this system I had altered a lot of the startup stuff, removed stuff that I didn't use like cups (I didn't have a printer). Well now that I do have a printer I've got cups re-installed and working drivers for my printer, and it prints, but cupsd does not start at bootup like it should. cupsys is in the init.d directory, but still, for some reason I have to start cupsd manually as root to get it to start. That's a drag, so how do I fix it?

    Re: Help me fix cupsd?

    The presence of a script in /etc/init.d doesn't do anything. It needs to be linked from one or more of /etc/rcX.d where X is a number 0-6 corresponding to the relevant run levels.
    You can use update-rc.d to manage init scripts or if you want something graphical install the 'bum' package.


      Re: Help me fix cupsd?

      Oh yeah, bum. That's a great application. Thanks man it's fixed now.

