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Running Amarok causes Xorg to consume too much CPU

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    Running Amarok causes Xorg to consume too much CPU

    Hello everyone..

    I have noticed (I've been using Kubuntu for about.. almost a year now)

    just recently, with the new Gutsy Gibbon install..

    Whenever I launch Amarok, Xorg goes nuts. . . starts using 55-95% CPU, and my laptop gets CRAZY hot!

    It's not so much as to when I just "play" a mp3.. just starting Amarok is enough to make it freak! I can't even use my favorite media player anymore because my laptop can't take being 65C just becasue Xorg freaks out..

    Any ideas??

    Re: Running Amarok causes Xorg to consume too much CPU

    Are you using the mood analyzer? How about Compiz?
    For external use only.


      Re: Running Amarok causes Xorg to consume too much CPU

      Originally posted by SheeEttin
      Are you using the mood analyzer? How about Compiz?
      Well, I disabled the analyzer.. and I've got nothing so far.. running smooth. (No, I don't run Compiz)

      I'm going to sigh if this was it. I'll let you know.


        Re: Running Amarok causes Xorg to consume too much CPU

        what is the mood analyzer?

