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Upgrade to gutsy worked though not without issues

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    Upgrade to gutsy worked though not without issues

    For some reason--Dolphin wasn't installed and I thought it should have been. Maybe I was wrong.

    A bigger problem: Samba can't find any workgroups. It says something about possibly being the result of a firewall. I had Guardog installed but it was disabled. I uninstalled Guardog...still no workgroups. Just to be sure I didn't have any firewall rules, I ran

    sudo iptables -L

    There were no rules in place so that isn't the problem. My samba.conf file looks pretty standard. Oh I can see the gutsy machine from samba on my other (feisty) box and the gutsy box can access the internet.

    Any suggestions?

    Re: Upgrade to gutsy worked though not without issues

    Are you looking for Windows PCs? They have Firewall settings that you have to get at in multiple ways, via the Control Panel>"Firewall", via "network connections>Firewall", and via the "Security Manager".

    I confess -- I'm still trying to get Samba up and running correctly, after installing Gutsy RC. I should have done a better job of recording whatever the secret handshake was that got it working in Feisty. :P


      Re: Upgrade to gutsy worked though not without issues

      My issues with Gutsy and samba are somewhat opposite. Gusty can see a Xp box but not a Feisty box. The feisty box can't see anything. The XP box sees Gutsy but the shared files show up twice, once for samba 3.0.24 and once for samba 3.0.26.

      With the Feisty box I can put the address of any box into the Konq address bar and see everthing but nothing as far as a workgroup.

      ~$sudo make me a sandwich


        SOLVED: Re: Upgrade to gutsy worked though not without issues

        well as it turns out the samba problem was caused by a firewall after all. The firewall was enabled on my feisty system and none of the other machines on my workgroup could see the workgroup unitl i disabled that firewall. Now the only problem I know about is that the kernel modules aren't ready yet for vmware-player.


          Re: Upgrade to gutsy worked though not without issues

          My Samba experience has been a little weird... Neither computer (Gutsy or Windows XP) can see the other's shares, while I can connect to them just fine by specifying (e.g.) \\\printer.
          For external use only.


            Re: Upgrade to gutsy worked though not without issues

            For Dolphin: Have you uninstalled the kubuntu-desktop package? That's used to ensure that the default packages are installed when you upgrade; otherwise there's no way for the system to know to install it.

