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updating from gutsy beta

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    updating from gutsy beta

    I have been using gutsy beta for a few weeks and installing updates using adept updater as they become available. Will this automatically update me to gutsy RC and to the upcoming final release; or do I need to reinstall a fresh copy of the final release? Thanks

    P.S. Where do I find which version of Kubuntu is installed?

    Re: updating from gutsy beta

    As you update you should be current with the release.

    This will give you your version.

    lsb_release -a
    Kernel version.

    uname -r
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: updating from gutsy beta

      Gutsy is officially released on Thursday, the 18th. You're pretty much running the final release right now.
      For external use only.


        Re: updating from gutsy beta

        I also have been using/updating the beta for the last month or so- at what point (now?) should I change my repository list to remove the pre-release category?

        ps- gotta lubit :-) I spent don't-want-to-know how many hours fighting with the last two version upgrades. This time I went for the feisty-gutsy-beta route: right some slick, you ... as they say 'round here :-) No pain, tons 'o gain! Thanks and congrats to all involved
        WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


          Re: updating from gutsy beta

          I also am running a fully up to date Gutsy beta but everytime I Fetch Updates in Adept it says that a distribution upgrade is available. Then when I run the upgrade tool it just closes half way through with no message.

          I've tried running apt-get dist-upgrade, dpkg --configure -pending etc and they all seem to think that nothing needs to be done and no upgrade is available.

          Any suggestions?


            Re: updating from gutsy beta

            I get the same "Version Upgrade" available from Adept, and following eriefisher's code advice this is returned:
            malcolm@hippy:~$ lsb_release -a
            No LSB modules are available.
            Distributor ID: Ubuntu
            Description:  Ubuntu 7.10
            Release:    7.10
            Codename:    gutsy
            malcolm@hippy:~$ uname -r
            Following my last experience trying to Upgrade i think i'll just ignore the "Version Upgrade" button.

