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usb cd/dvd drive problem

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    usb cd/dvd drive problem


    I have an external usb dvd/cd drive that worked fine under feisty, I have just installed gutsy rc.

    Firstly, when i boot into gutsy with the usb drive plugged in, the drive powers up every 5 or so seconds and once booted I have to 'sudo killall udevd' as udevd is using 75% of the processor and the drive cannot be used.

    With udevd killed, If i load a cd into the laptops internal cd/dvd drive that loads up and can be viewed in konqeror as /media/scd0-this used to be /dev/hdc under feisty?

    The external usb drive loads up and is viewed as /media/scd1 which used to be /dev/scd0 under feisty.

    Any ideas what as changed? Why does gutsy have such a problem with the usb drive and what can i do about udevd?-do I need to write some sort of udev rule for the usb drive?

    Thanks for any ideas and help in advance.