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8.04 upgrade

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    8.04 upgrade

    Had kept my installation of 7.10 current with all of the updates.

    This morning, after the updates were finished, it popped up and said that an upgrade to the latest Kubuntu, 8.04 Hardy Heron, was available.

    I went through the download and insdtalltion and then the reboot.

    On the reboot, fsck said that the drive had reached the max reboots and needed to be checked. fsck spent about 2 hours on the recheck and was still in phase 1 of 5.

    A sure sign that it was hung.

    Forced a reboot - the reboot forced fsck again since there are errors on the disc. fsck exit with a status 5. Did a manual fsck. exited with a ststus 1 and the reboot continued until it got to installing MTA which then hangs and eventually reboots and starts the cycle all over again.I am now downloading the 8.04 Live CD.

    Thank God I have a Triple boot system with Windows and Fedora 8 and Kubuntu all on separate physical discs..

    I am presently in Fedora 8 downloading 8.04.

    Will totally backup my Kubuntu data since I can access the disc under Fedora 8.

    My advice to anybody that is presented with the 8.04 upgrade option:


    It could seriously damage your system.

    Maybe wait for 8.05 or even 8.06.

    8.04 is seriously not ready for upgrading to.

    Note: I got a sure sign that things were definitely not right on the reboot when the GRUB menu had NOT been updated and still presented all of the old menu items and then notified that the 7.10 kernal was being booted. I just figured that the menu hadn't been properly updated, but it seems things were a lot more seriously mangled than that.Could be unique to my system and then again maybe not.

    Re: 8.04 upgrade

    Problem solved.

    I have 3 physical discs:

    sda contains the GRUB booter, Windows XP and Fedora 8. GRUB reads the Fedora 8 menu file for booting

    sdb contains Windows Vista

    sdc contains Kubuntu.

    During the upgrade, the Kubuntu upgrade s/w did NOT do as I expected. In updating the GRUB menu, it did the brain dead, simple thing and looked in /boot/grub on sdc. It's home physical disc.

    What I EXPECTED the upgrade s/w to do was to look at the GRUB boot partition, find where GRUB looked for the menu, find that menu and make the necessary changes. IT DIDN'T.

    So when the reboot went through, GRUB did it's logical thing and looked for the menu file that it was instructed to look for and then tried to boot Kubuntu 7.10.

    Of course that led to all kinds of real problems.

    Finally dawned on me that the Kubuntu upgrade s/w did the brain dead, simple installation thing. Booted Fedora 8, and loaded the GRUB menu file on sda into Kate and then loaded the menu file that Kubuntu modified on sdc. Copied the modifications into the sda menu file, commented out the 7.10 kernals. saved the new menu file on sda.


    2.6.24 kernal booted into Kubuntu 8.04.

    Is there some way to send something to the Kubuntu people responsible for the upgrade s/w and ask them to please do the intelligent thing when looking for the GRUB files and look where GRUB looks and NOT expect that their hard wired view of the world to be the only one?

    People used to do that over 20 years back with PC-DOS.

    They finally learned NOT to do that.

    Seems that the Kunbutu people are repeating history all over again.


      Re: 8.04 upgrade

      Is there some way to send something to the Kubuntu people responsible for the upgrade s/w and ask them to please do the intelligent thing when looking for the GRUB files and look where GRUB looks and NOT expect that their hard wired view of the world to be the only one?
      File a bug? They may say it's a 'feature', but ya never know.
      --<br />

