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Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

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    Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

    I've just completed the upgrade to GG and can't launch Thunderbird.

    I get the message "Service '/usr/share/applications/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop' is malformatted."

    Any ideas ?



    Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

    It is my guess that Thunderbird and Firefox are no longer supported. When I try to select Firefox ti install I get a beak in red and it will not install. As well Thunderbird is not even in the install list in adept. NVidia new drivers are also broken and my favourite file browser Krusader is broke. It seems about half of the programs I want to install are either broke or not available any more


      Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

      Both thunderbird and firefox are working in gustsy for me.

      The file "/usr/share/applications/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop" is the icon entry for thunderbird. Very likely deleting it and reinstalling thunderbird will solve this issue.



        Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

        When i installed 7.10 i first allowed it to install all the updates, then asked Adept to install Firefox and Thunderbird, (both at once) but it only installed Thunderbird, and complained about dependencies, etc., but then happily installed Firefox later without any whinging.

        I did have problems with Firefox - no Bookmarks toolbar - until i followed SheeEttin's advice, but Ff has disappeared completely on three or four occasions, although this could be due to other reasons.... Thunderbird is working perfectly (touch wood ), no problems at all.

        There do seem to be one or two issues related to upgrading from 7.04.


          Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

          FWIW, I now only use gmail. I love Thunderbird but got sick of losing my contacts etc. every time I played and broke something. gmail works nowhere near as nice as Thunderbird, but I can cope with it, and I don't have to spend hours replacing things when they break (read:when I break them). :-X

          Just my 2c.
          I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


            Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

            You don't lose important stuff if your "Local Folders" and other directories are kept on another partition.... i've just checked, and having survived two new boxes, two (or three) hard drives, and four OSs, i've still got emails from 2002.
            It was just the Mozilla email client then....


              Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

              Originally posted by aged hippy
              You don't lose important stuff if your "Local Folders" and other directories are kept on another partition....
              Take my word for it, you can with very little effort. Especially when you're a relic from the sixties trying to keep up with all this new "interweb" stuff.
              I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


                Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

                Originally posted by Lowey
                Originally posted by aged hippy
                You don't lose important stuff if your "Local Folders" and other directories are kept on another partition....
                Take my word for it, you can with very little effort. Especially when you're a relic from the sixties trying to keep up with all this new "interweb" stuff.
                ... i can certainly relate to the "relic" description - also to losing data, i once lost four years of art-work and Lightwave animations when i installed a rigid bootblock to the wrong drive on an Amiga 4000

                Cry...? i'm surprised the keyboard didn't short out.

                Struggling to get back to the Topic.... maybe this thread can help, Scotsgait:


                  Re: Thunderbird malformatted on upgrade

                  Thanks, folks.

                  I discovered what the problem was - the quick launcher wasn't working but I could launch from K- Menu. Nothing was lost - only the time expended and the nervous energy !!

