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    Not quite sure if thats an actual word but anyway, Is there something that will defrag my machine on this OS ? (its running real slugish and firefox crashes all the time and its just being ****)

    Re: Defragmentation

    That's a great word!

    But not for Linux -- it's pretty irrelevant to your inodes and trees.

    Something else is going on. If you will open KMenu>System>KSysguard and then click the "Processes" tab, then scroll slowly down the list of processes until you come to one that is sucking your CPU dry. I'll wager it's either strigidaemon or xorg.


      Re: Defragmentation

      Ktorrent is at the top but i know that will slow my cpu somewhat but it shouldnt make it come to standstills with firefox running, the other culprit as you said is Xorg and another is amaroKapp But none of which go above 30% Ktorrent is around a constant 11% Xorg just does what it wants by the look of things, So whats that then ? and how do i stop it or the way, it is the User% tab im looking at right ? on the System tab nothing goes above 2 so far


        Re: Defragmentation

        How much RAM do you have, and how fast is your processor?
        If you don't know, how old is your computer?
        For external use only.


          Re: Defragmentation

          Was Firefox running while you were looking at your processes. It's pretty much a pig for resources, itself.

          Depending on your hardware (CPU speed, RAM, hdd performance, video performance) you might be pushing its limits. For example when a system needs to use swap, there's often a momentary hesitation in everything that you see.

          EDIT: SheeEttin wins the speed-typing contest


            Re: Defragmentation

            its only a 2.0Ghz Amd with 2GB of RAM. it handles Vista effortlessly and you know how much bloatware is on that crap, its ok now, its just when i use a few programs at the same time it starts to become VERY sluggishand then starts to freeze on me. i know it will get slower with the more apps n **** you run but i dont have that many open at one time max is like 4 or something an i know it shouldnt be going that slow. Get my 3.0Ghz dual core 6000 nxt week so i will grin and bare with it untill then Thanks for the replys guys


              Re: Defragmentation

              No, Linux is far leaner than Windows and your 2GHz AMD should not have any slowdowns at all. Something is definitely sapping the resources. If you enter
              in a console, you can observe the running processes in order of resource utilization. If you leave that console window open, then proceed with your Firefox browsing, you can keep an eye on it and maybe learn what's going on when Firefox gets sluggish.


                Re: Defragmentation

                Hmm. With those specs, you shouldn't have that kind of a problem... I'd set up KSysGuard to show memory usage and processor usage and watch it as you're doing things. I have it running all the time on my second desktop.

                But, if you're going to upgrade your system shortly, it might go away... but I doubt it.
                One thing you can do to reduce Firefox's memory usage is to go to about:config and search for "browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers". This controls how many pages under back/forward are kept in memory. (I have it set to -1 (i.e. off), and it doesn't do anything bad.)

                Edit: dibl, you win this round... But I'll be back!
                For external use only.


                  Re: Defragmentation

                  Probably not related, but I am having the same problem on a number of machines where FF becomes unresponsive. One thing that seems (maybe imaginary) to set it off is when I mouse over one of the entries in the systray and the pop-up displays. It doesn't freeze completely, but the only way to get it back to normal is to terminate it and restart. About half the time, I can restart the previous session. This is happening on at least two of my machines that are 3.0Ghz Pentiums with 1-2GB RAM. Very wierd. I have looked on the FF forum and tries a number of the suggestions for reducing memory usage, but so far no joy. I thought it might be due to a conflict between Adblock and Flashblock, but that does not seem to be the case. I am still suspicious of the Java plug-in, but to date, I am still terminating and restarting on two of my machine.

