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Receiving Webcam on Kopete

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    Receiving Webcam on Kopete

    I can send my webcam over Kopete just fine but whenever one of my contacts sends me theirs, I get a blank window. I read this on the Kopete documentation:
    I can't receive any webcam stream from my buddies; what's wrong ?
    MSN webcam support is not NAT-friendly. Check your NAT router and forward the MSN Webcam port to your computer port on which Kopete is listening for webcam (see Configure/Accounts/MSN/Connection).
    But I don,t understand it. What's a NAT router ? What port am I supposed to set the webcam to?

    Re: Receiving Webcam on Kopete

    First question, do you use a router?

    If yes, do you have the documentation for it?
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: Receiving Webcam on Kopete

      No I don't use a router. I've a DSL modem that's plugged directly into my ethernet card.


        Re: Receiving Webcam on Kopete

        Well then a nat router is not the problem. I would check in the connection settings of kopete. Unfortunately I don't use it so I can't give you a "change this" answer but I'll bet it's in the settings.

        ~$sudo make me a sandwich


          Re: Receiving Webcam on Kopete

          Well in the settings, the only thing that seems relevant is a checkbox that says "Specify a base port for incomming webcam connections" and then a box next to it where you write the port (currently set at 6891).

          I dunno if it might be a firewall problem. . .I haven't downloaded a firewall program from the repositories. . . but that seems like it's the only logical cause >.>


            Re: Receiving Webcam on Kopete

            Well, if you don't have a firewall set up, that probably isn't the problem.

            What protocol are you using for the webcam (e.g. MSN, AIM)?
            For external use only.


              Re: Receiving Webcam on Kopete

              I could never get Kopete to work with my webcam, sending or receiving. Black screen all the time.
              Installed aMSN and everything worked. Just FYI, aMSN is not capable of full-duplex, that is, you can't receive and send webcam at the same time. See if Kopete also has this limitation.


                Re: Receiving Webcam on Kopete

                Originally posted by SheeEttin
                What protocol are you using for the webcam (e.g. MSN, AIM)?
                MSN, mostly. I have some contacts from other protocols but I don't use webcam with them.

                I tried out aMSN but I really don't like the interface, I find it really confusing. Webcam works on it though. . . so for now if one of my friends really has to send me a webcam feed, I'll switch to that. But I really would rather be using Kopete.

