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Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

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    Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

    I have been using paint shop pro for 10 years and I have all the versions.

    Yesterday I was playing with "wine" for the first time and I tried all versions of paint shop pro.

    I found version 7.2 installed and everything works.

    the only anomaly was if you have the "tool option pallet" left opened when you close the program (psp7), it will not open the tool pallet option correctly when you open psp7 again.

    The fix is to close "tool pallet option" before closing out psp7.

    Re: Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

    Just a casual question -- I used to use PSP in Windows, from version 6 up to 10.

    Have you played with gimp enough to compare it to PSP? I've been using gimp since I "converted" to Linux a year ago, but I don't push it beyond photo editing and making labels and simple things like that. I'm just interested in your opinion on the comparison - thanks.


      Re: Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

      I have only been playing with kubuntu for 1 week and psp was the only windows program I missed, I have played with a few graphics linux programs and the learning curve was more than I wanted to do.
      10 years with psp dictated to me ...... to figure this conversion wine program out, and I am glad I did.


        Re: Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

        Thanks ickie. I would encourage you to install gimp (via Adept) and play with it when you have time. Like I said, I'm no graphics artist, but I've successfully used it to do everything I ever wanted to do with PSP, which spared me having to figure out how to migrate PSP onto my Linux system.


          Re: Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

          ickie: hint hint.
          For external use only.


            Re: Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

            Originally posted by SheeEttin
            ickie: hint hint.
            Correct link: hint hint

            Typos. Don't you just love 'm?
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Paint Shop Pro 7 installed Using Wine

              That I do. :P
              For external use only.

