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VNC Listener opens invisible session?

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    VNC Listener opens invisible session?

    I work for an ISP and I recently dual-booted Feisty on my laptop I use at work and home. Let me say, I LOVE it!! I've been able to migrate all of my apps and settings over, and I use it as my primary OS now.

    There remains one final problem that leaves me scratching my head. At work we use a program which we have end-users download that creates a reverse VNC connection back to our firewall, and depending on which port the request comes in, it is forwarded to the proper IP inside our network. We run regular old UltraVNC Viewer in listen mode, and when the user selects my "terminal" in their program, it pops up a dialog on my screen asking if I want to accept the incoming request.

    I tried using xvnc4viewer in listen mode and had a user select my terminal. It gave him all the usual indications that I had accepted the connection and was viewing his screen, but nothing at all appeared to happen on my end. It's as if it opened a session somewhere that I couldn't see.

    The man page for xvnc4viewer is not super helpful, but it appears that the command-line switch for -listen can accept an argument for which x screen to open in, I think.... So I suppose my question is, will this work the way I want it to, and how do I find which x screen I'm using? I'm not so much concerned about the acceptance dialog, just that I'm able to accept incoming connections on my main screen.

    Re: VNC Listener opens invisible session?

    Unless you have more than one X server running at a time, it should default to :0. You can find out for sure by looking at K Menu > Switch User and looking at the checked entry. Mine reads "sheeettin: kde (:0, vt7)", giving my username, session type, X server, and virtual terminal the X server is attached to.

    Qt apps have the option "--display <displayname>", where one can use :0, :1, or any other X server. This probably won't be applicable to VNC, though.
    I'd look at the man page myself, but I don't have it installed.
    For external use only.


      Re: VNC Listener opens invisible session?

      I tried to do a Kmenu "xvnc4viewer -listen :0", and it did the same thing where the user acts as though I've allowed the connection but I can't see anything. Very strange...


        Re: VNC Listener opens invisible session?

        This may be of help?
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: VNC Listener opens invisible session?

          Yeah I read that, and I ran "xvnc4viewer -listen -display 0", and "xvnc4viewer -listen -display :0", they both make an invisible session.

