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KDE doesn't log out

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    KDE doesn't log out

    I have a strange problem that I've had since about KDE 3.2.X: It just doesn't want to reboot, shutdown or logout.

    If I go to the KMenu and select any of those options, nothing happens. SOMETIMES, when I do it a 2nd time, it will obey my commands, but usually it just ignores me. Literally nothing happens, it's like a dumb dog that you tell to "Sit!" and it just stares at you wagging its tail. Here's the percentages:

    10% : Works the first time.
    25% : Works 2nd time.
    65% : Just doesn't want to logout, I have to sudo reboot to get the damn thing to obey me.

    I've had this on Gentoo, Edgy and Feisty. I didn't turn up much on Google or these forums. Am I the only one having this problem?


    Re: KDE doesn't log out

    When you tell it to shut down, reboot, etc. what does it do? It doesn't do nothing, unless nothing happens when you click the button. Even closing the shut down options and returning you to the desktop is something.
    For external use only.


      Re: KDE doesn't log out

      What happens if you just Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace?


        Re: KDE doesn't log out

        When I tell it to log out, it does nothing, as if I had never told it to do anything. I'm returned to the desktop, and I can continue working, surfing, etc with no problems. It continues as if nothing happened.

        When I hit Ctrl-Alt-BKspace, as expected it kills the XServer and I get the KDM login screen again.

        To reboot, I'm forced to type "sudo reboot" in the Konsole.

        What bugs me is I've had this bug through two different versions of Kubuntu and on my first install of Gentoo. It can't be my hardware that's causing the problem, can it?


          Re: KDE doesn't log out



            Re: KDE doesn't log out

            The fact that you see this same unusual behavior in another OS suggests strongly that it is a hardware issue, probably BIOS or chipset-related. If true, it is unlikely fixable with software commands.

            I assume you've used
            sudo shutdown now -r
            in a console window and got the same results?

            Probably your only hope is to check and see if there is an updated BIOS load from your BIOS or motherboard source. I'll cross my fingers ... :P


              Re: KDE doesn't log out

              When I enter the command that you gave me, Kubuntu immediately reboots...

              I'll grant you that it's strange that not only have very few people have had the same problem, but its also repeated itself across different OSes....

              I'll check Asus's website for updates, if there aren't any then oh well, I can work around it. I don't reboot my computer that much anyway...

              Thanks for the responses!

