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    I need to install lame in order to use Audacity to deal with mp3 files.

    I've found one thread here that deals with this issue, but it tells me nothing. How do I install lame so Audacity can find it? I've downloaded liblame0_3.96.1-1_i386.deb and liblame-dev_3.96.1-1_i386.deb, but when I attempt to extract '', which is the file Audacity is seeking, I get an error. The file is supposed to be in \usr\lib but I can't get it there.


    I use both Audacity and lame, but I don't understand your question/problem. Audacity can export to mp3 format, as far as I know -- I don't use it for that, but I see the option on my "Export File" formats to choose from, under Edit>Preferences.

    lame is just a bare encoder, to make a mp3 file out of a wav file.

    Why do you need for Audacity to "find" lame?



      Audacity uses the lame encoder to encode music in mp3 format. I can't export to mp3 because the '' file doesn't exist. And I can't place the file where it belongs because I apparently don't have rights to access the \usr\lib folder to place the file there.

      In Windows, I have the same issue, but it's a simple matter of placing the lame.dll file in a folder. Then I route Audacity to that file and everything works. Here, it's become a real big issue. It's frankly quickly becoming an issue that will make or break Kubuntu for me. This is nowhere near as easy an operating system to work in as Windows is.



        Originally posted by bcsco
        This is nowhere near as easy an operating system to work in as Windows is.
        Now there's a hot political claim! But I'm not the one who's going to argue ....

        So, did you install lame with Adept? Considering that Adept only works when you have given it your Super User password, it should have placed the lame-related files wherever they are supposed to go.

        If you are sure you need to move/place to a certain restricted folder, there are many ways to do that. Here is one -- open Konqueror as Super User, by entering (in a konsole window)
        kdesu konqueror
        then copy your file and paste it where you wish.

        Hope this helps!



          Originally posted by bcsco
          I've downloaded liblame0_3.96.1-1_i386.deb and liblame-dev_3.96.1-1_i386.deb, but when I attempt to extract ''
          Just for future reference:
          .deb is not a zipped file type. It is more like an installer file type for debian based systems (such as kubuntu). You will not be able to extract a single file from a .deb, instead you simply install the package (I think this is in fact the default action when clicking on a .deb, otherwise its definitely in the right-click menu). However as the above post says installing lame with adept package manager (it is in the kmenu>system) will be much easier that using the .deb. This is the beauty of kubuntu, you don't have to search the net to find the programs/packages you want to install, you just select it from the huge list in adept and click install (if that is not easier than windows then nothing is, guess I am the one to argue ). Once lame is installed Audacity will know exactly where to look and will be able to find it itself. Enjoy.



            Adept does NOT, repeat NOT list 'Lame' as an installable application. I went that route before I even got involved here. That's why I downloaded the two 'deb' files.




              You know, now that I think about it, I installed lame in my Ubuntu 64-bit system, not Kubuntu 32-bit. The other possible difference is, I have the Medibuntu repository added to my sources list on that system, and you may not have it on yours.

              Those are the only 2 differences that I can think of -- I definitely do have lame installed on that system, and I found it in the available packages with Synaptic (analogous to Adept in KDE).

              Do you have both universe and multiverse repos enabled?

              EDIT: Found this cryptic little note on Ubuntu forum. I can't check it out because I'm stranded in Win-World at the moment, away from my beloved Linux system.
              In Audacity, choose Edit>Preferences>File Formats>MP3 Export Setup>Find Library, and then it'll
              ask you whether you want to find the file now,select yes,then
              at the bottom where it says"Only", click there and select
              "All files" and find and hit OK and you should be good to go.



                That's part of the thread I found. It doesn't work. Nothing works. I'm going back to Windows 2000. Maybe I'll install Unbuntu at a later time. This is just too much fooling around with an unfamiliar file and command structure for something that should be simple.

                Thanks for the help.



                  Sure... Good luck with it.



                    If you ever want to use Linux, you'll need to get used to it.

                    Here's a hint, though: read some man pages.
                    For external use only.



                      uhhhh.... hmmmmmm.



                        I went though the same trouble you did. For some reason, the file isn't named exactly as Audacity would lead you to believe. I had to use adept to check out the files installed with each package to find it.

                        I found it in liblame0, and the file is located at /usr/lib/

                        There's another file listed that has a couple more zeros at the end, which might be the file you need instead, but I'm pretty sure I used the one with one zero at the end, and Audacity has worked like a champ for me.

                        Let me know if you want any more help, and I'll try my best, but Audacity isn't giving me any more information than that, and I had to open up adept to find where the files lived again.

