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uname and vmware

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    uname and vmware

    Since upgrading to the latest kernel 2.6.20-13, I have run into a little problem with vmware. I am use to rerunning the vmware script each time I upgrade the kernel but this time it's different.
    Now when I run the vmware script it can't find the include files. The include directory does not match the runnng kernel name (or at least the name vmware is looking for). I looked into this and where vmware looks to find 2.6.20-13-generic it finds instead 2.6.20-13-386. Now in the past kubuntu has been ok with keeping the names the same but it looks like it's changing.
    So anyone have a work around for this besides booting to a lesser kernel or changing the vmware scripts?


    Re: uname and vmware

    Merely an "improvised" attempt to respond to your question ...:

    How about a symbolic link from what VMware expects to what actually exists,

    sudo ln -s [somewhere]/2.6.20-13-386 [somewhere]/2.6.20-13-generic
    or simply providing the appropriate path when being asked for by the script?


      Re: uname and vmware

      Yeah I thought of that. Even gave it the fully qualified path still a no go. Vmware is pretty fussy that way. The last time I went through something similar, I had to use a seperate work around script which of course I no longer have. Sigh...... Thanks anyway.


        Re: uname and vmware

        Originally posted by ppberns
        a seperate work around script (?)


          Re: uname and vmware

          hey ppberns, try the steps from rbmorse in the following link. they worked just fine for me in the latest kernel.


            Re: uname and vmware

            Hi Thanks for the links. The first one is the one I had before and thats for a networking problem (sob) and I tried the last one with the edit but here are the results:
            What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
            kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]

            The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory.

            What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
            kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-13/include

            The directory of kernel headers (version 2.6.20-13) does not match your running
            kernel (version 2.6.20-13-386). Even if the module were to compile
            successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.

            and thats where I am at for now.


              Re: uname and vmware

              Did you remember to install "linux-headers-2.6.20-13"? When the headers are installed, a link is created in /lib/modules/2.6.20-13-generic/build to /usr/src/linux. The script does a "uname -r" and will then find the /usr/src/linux/include location.


                Re: uname and vmware

                Hi Tlayton

                Yep in my earlier post you can see that the headers are there. I even point vmware to them and it still complains.
                I know I am missing something really small here but you know how it is when you look at something for a long time.............


                  Re: uname and vmware

                  ppberns, looks like I had the same same problem as you.

                  I had vmware install one one machine and not install on the other. On the machine where vmware would not install the kernel was 2.6.20-13-386 SMP and the headers /usr/src where 2.6.20-13 UP. I think there have been a few posts around place with people having problems with 2.6.20-13 for a short period of time.

                  Last night I updated the machine that was giving me trouble which gave me a 2.6.20-13-generic SMP kernel and a matching set of headers in /usr/src. Vmware now installs.


                    Re: uname and vmware


                    Thats the kernel level I am having issues with. Today I am upgrading and it looks like kernel is up to -14 so I will give that a shot.

                    Thanks for all the replies.


                      Re: uname and vmware

                      Just curious, did you ever get this one figured out?

                      I've just upgraded to -14-generic, including the headers. I ran (having left in the changes from the above link in the vmmon.tar module) and everything was still ok. Some day, I do need to attempt again a fresh install without changes to the tar and see if it works.


                        Re: uname and vmware


                        Yes today I ran the upgrade and after it installed the -14-generic kernel I ran the .pl script and sure enough it went like there was nothing wrong.
                        Chalk it up to one of lifes little mysteries..... Thanks for asking.

