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Feisty rc2 nailed my thinkpad t60

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    Feisty rc2 nailed my thinkpad t60

    Kudos to the Feisty team, install nailed my t60. In edgy my function keys such as screen brightness didn't work. Also power management and cpu frequency were so so, but everything looks great in fiesty. Now, if I can get Beryl working I will be thrilled! It worked great in Edgy until an update last night which brings me to my next question.

    What is the best linux app for backing up / restoring to DVD. I am looking for something similar to Ghost. I thought I had a good mondo restore disk, but I couldn't get it to restore.

    My only beef with the install of Feisty was that the partitioning portion loaded qtparted, and it was not clear to me that I needed to leave that open and click next. I partitioned my drive several times and closed qtparted which would cause a qtparted failed unexpectedly error.

    Anyway, kudos again to the Feisty team

    Re: Feisty rc2 nailed my thinkpad t60

    As far as something similar to ghost, have you tried G4U (ghost for unix - I don't think it will write directly to DVD but it will FTP the image to another machine and you can write the resulting file to DVD yourself.

