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Kubuntu fails to give an out of memory warning

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    Kubuntu fails to give an out of memory warning

    As I found out via my struggle here

    Kubuntu doesn't give any warning when you are about to use more harddisk space than possible.

    A nice Alert like "Warning: 99% of harddiskspace is used"

    would surely add to the usability and accessibility of Linux...

    Is there any method to get those warnings (are these already built in yet I failed to "check" the option)?

    Re: Kubuntu fails to give an out of memory warning

    If you right-click on your desktop, choose "Configure Desktop > Behavior" and click the "Device Icons" tab, the twelfth box down "Mounted Hard Disk Volume" is not checked by default, but if you check it, your hard disk partitions will show on the desktop, and you can keep track of how full they're getting.


      Re: Kubuntu fails to give an out of memory warning

      Is there any method to get those warnings (are these already built in yet I failed to "check" the option)?
      Googling - i didn't find "disk usage probe" on K/X/Ubuntu (working background and giving warnings). But it should be easy to make.

      From: Day-to-day disk space management on Unix and Linux systems
      Part II of Managing disk space on Unix and Linux systems.
      Typically one would run df regularly (at least once an hour, using cron) on each file system to provide an early warning if disk space is getting low.
      Which raises the question of how full is full? Clearly once a disk is 100 per cent full it’s already too late, but at what level should the alarm bells start ringing? Generally a good rule of thumb for all resources (memory, CPU cycles, I/O capacity or whatever) is that if it’s in use more than 75 per cent of the time it’s a potential bottleneck. The same rule holds true for disks; if a disk is permanently more than 75 per cent full it’s probably time to think about upgrading it or moving some of the users elsewhere, or something.
      So - short script that gives warning when partition is 75% full:
      if df -h | sort -rnk 5 | head -1 | grep "\(7[5-9]\|8[0-9]\|9[0-9]\|100\)%" > /dev/null ; then 
        DISPLAY=:0 dcop knotify default notify eventname appname "$(df)" '' '' 2 0
      What this does ?
      - Checks disk space with df
      df - report file system disk space usage
      - Opens small window (using knotify) if disk usage is 75%...100% and shows disks usage.
      KNotify, the notifications framework in KDE
      Scheduling is done with Kcron.
      KCron is an application for scheduling programs to run in the background. It is a graphical user interface to cron

      Same script with dzen:
      if df -h | sort -rnk 5 | head -1 | grep "\(7[5-9]\|8[0-9]\|9[0-9]\|100\)%" > /dev/null ; then 
        df | DISPLAY=:0 dzen2 -l 20 -p -x 100 -y 300 -w 500 -fn fixed -bg black -fg red
      dzen - A general purpose messaging and notification program.
      Note - dzen isn't in the repositories.

      Day-to-day disk space management on Unix and Linux systems
      Part II of Managing disk space on Unix and Linux systems.

      Script to alert on high disk utilization

      Putting KNotify to work


      Dzen: pop-up windows from the command-line

      DCOP and cron

      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information

