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Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

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    Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

    Hey all,

    Bit a background on me first, I'm a long time linux advocate but this is the first time in over four years I've gone back to the OS and I gotta say I'm pumped! In any event, due to some professional requirements I need to maintain Windows XP on my system and decided a dual boot was my method of choice - I really won't be using XP all that much, just in situations where my clients use Windows based software that doesn't port well to linux. After running through the versions Kubuntu seemed right for me and a number of my colleagues are using the OS now and have sworn by it.

    Alright, so my plan was to install XP and Kubuntu on my 200GB HD with 15 GB for XP, 15GB for Kubuntu, and then the remaining as a Fat 32 partition for common shared space between the two OS (my plan was to simply use this remaining 170GB as my read/write area for both OS's).

    I decided to completely reformat my HD, re-installed XP Pro giving it 15GB partition as most of the forums were telling me to install XP first to save some time and headaches. Then I installed Kubuntu using the installers disk partitioner in manual to set up a 15GB partition as the root, 2GB partition as a SWAP (probably don't need that much but whatever ), and then remaining 170GB or so as a FAT32 shared. Everything installed on the Kubuntu side and I did the restart. Once everything sparked back to life GRUB asked me how I wanted to boot (recognizing the XP partition) and I choose the Ubuntu partition and got the "ERROR 17 - unable to load partition" error that bounced me back to the GRUB interface. I tried the Memtestx86 and got the same result, however; when selecting XP everything booted fine for that OS.

    I was a little less than impressed when I woke up this morning and couldn't get Kubuntu to load. Remembering back to when I was setting my partitions I did set them as "logical" and not the other option (which I forget what it was) if this helps with any solutions. I've got my computer specs below, but I'm not sure they're needed/will aid in finding a solution to my ERROR 17 woes.

    Thanks all

    AMD Athlon 64 3000+
    1.5GB RAM
    200GB HD
    ASUS KX8-Delux Mobo (I could be wrong on this, as I'm at work and forget EXACTLY what the Mobo is... either this or KSV-8 Delux... if this is a problem I'll post it when I get home from work).

    Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

    It will be quite helpful if you post the output of fdisk and your menu.lst.

    You can boot from the livecd to be able to read both.



      Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

      Somehow your installation and Grub placement process have resulted in a mis-match between where Grub thinks your kernel is located, and where it actually is. Here are two approaches to resolving and fixing (hey, Linux is about choice, right?):

      1. Compare the files /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst, and note which drive and partition is identified as the root partition for the filesystem "/". Edit menu.lst to change the drive/partition location to match fstab.

      2. Follow the method used to fix it in this thread:

      EDIT: Javier wins the speed typing contest today .....


        Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

        Thanks Folks,

        I'll let ya know my status when I'm home in roughly 6 hours or so... lol... almost decided not to work today to simply fix this thing but decided that although I paid no money for Kubuntu at this time... I should not have to lose money trying to install it

        As always though, the Linux neighborhood is much fast at yielding solutions than any other text support forum!


          Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

          Oh... before I sign out to get back to work I had one other question...

          Can XP read/write to a ext3 filesystem? And would it be better to use my shared drive partition as ext3 or FAT32, was noticing in the forums that ext3 is a little better but can't find any reason as to why.


            Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

            Short answer = YES.

            Full answer -- not natively, you'll need FS-Drive.

            Here's the scoop, and a lot of other good information:



              Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

              Originally posted by dibl
              EDIT: Javier wins the speed typing contest today .....
              XD... but you have made it quite more clear.



                Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

                Thanks to ya both... I should've just stayed home today, as all I'm doing at work is looking at Linux stuff - why did I ever turn away for it


                  Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

                  Looks like you have the tips to get at your problem.
                  Just for completeness or backup resource, you might check:

                  How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit
                  (you would want the part that talks about re-installing GRUB)

                  As dibl I think implies, maybe during installation of Kubuntu, GRUB didn't get put in the best location. Most folks would put GRUB in the MBR of the drive where Windows is (so called drive (hd0)).
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: Dual Boot XP Pro - ERROR 17 issue

                    Just wanna say a thank you to all - from my newly dual booted PC! WHOOP WHOO!

                    Thanks again!


