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Shutdown halts when sending TERM signal

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    Shutdown halts when sending TERM signal

    This is more of a nuisance than a real problem, as it doesn't have any negative effect on my system that I can tell, besides being annoying to me. What happens is that every time i try to shut down my computer it halts when sending the Term signal. Everything else shuts down fine, and when it comes to the TERM signal, it works for a while, before it just stops working. It never gets to the KILL signal, and I have to press the power button to shut the computer down. Reboot seems to work fine. As I said, I have never encountered anything negative as a result of this, but it is annoying none the less. Also, when I first installed Feisty, I didn't have this problem, it came somewhere along the road.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to solving this? I have searched the forum (quite briefly, but still), and I didn't find anything that helped.

    - Delphi

    Edit: I have just tested it, and init 0 shuts down the computer cleanly, so at least I have a way to do that until the problem is fixed.

    Re: Shutdown halts when sending TERM signal

    I had the same problem -- This may or may not be the fix for you but here is what worked for me.
    after looking at my logs i noticed a bug in ndiswrapper. It reloads itself. Thus an infinite loop occurs. Looking like it is stalled.


    in your favorite editor - mine is mcedit

    sudo mcedit /etc/init.d/halt

    at the top add

    rmmod ndiswrapper

    that's it. Might I add this wouldn't be needed for ME if Atheros worked in the new kubuntu. But that's another issue, yours is ndiswrapper.

