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Creative XMod USB Soundcard - volume control

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    Creative XMod USB Soundcard - volume control

    I'm pretty new to (K)ubuntu and Linux-based OSs (just a couple of weeks) but I'm surprised how easy it has been to get more or less everything up and running with Feisty Fawn on my Thinkpad T22. I'm down to minor details now, one of which is this:

    I'm using a Creative XMod external USB soundcard, which is now functioning after a bit of fiddling about - however, the volume control knob on the XMod has no effect. Rotating the knob makes the OSD volume slider of the T22 appear, it shows the volume going up and down, but it has no effect on the actual sound volume. I can control the volume no problem from the T22 keyboard or within Amarok, but I'd really like to get the XMod volume knob working so I can use it when running AmarokFS.

    Can I set the default volume control hardware somehow like I had to set the XMod as default soundcard to get it running? I have the feeling this is a newbie issue and I just need to set a parameter somewhere but my clomping around the settings and extensive googlings have come up with nothing so far.

    It would be great if someone could give me a push in the right direction.

    Thanks in advance for any help