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Nvidia drivers and Hibernation

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    Nvidia drivers and Hibernation

    I recently installed Feisty and discovered that the Nvidia drivers don't work with hibernate.

    Hibernate was working fine with the 'nv' driver. When I went to the nvidia driver, I would hibernate but when I tried restarting the computer, the boot messages looked the same as for the 'nv' driver but the screen would never become active. When I went back to using the 'nv' driver, hibernate and resume seem fine.

    I am using a GeForce4 MX 4000 video card on a machine with a PCCIPS M825G motherboard and a Sempron 2800 cpu.

    I noticed the posting of a similar problem about a year ago.

    Is this a bug with 'nvidia' drivers? If so, is nvidia aware of it? Is there a work around?

    I have been concerned that the Linux community does not seem to put much emphasis on power management as would be the case if hibernate and suspend worked really well. I have read that there are an estimated 8 million Ubuntu users out there. If each of those machines burned about 100 watts of power like my box does (not counting the monitor which burns an additional 100 watts or so.) that amounts to 800 Megawatts of power, which is more than the power produced by many power plants. Isn't it time that Ubuntu took power issues more seriously, like shipping KDE with display power saving enabled by default (I think that I had to enable that myself), making hibernate/suspend work really well, and making sure device drivers supported these functions. Forgive the flame.

    I am really thrilled that I was able to get hibernate to work. I can't seem to do anything with suspend which I would really like to have working. I am afraid that it may be an issue with my motherboard/bios that is clearly beyond my ken. Any suggestion about that would be most welcome.

    I would really appreciate any suggestions that would let me use the nvidia drivers and hibernate at the same time. If I can't solve this problem, I will go stick with the nv driver.

    Many Thanks in Advance,

    Re: Nvidia drivers and Hibernation

    I use power-manager that seems to be the default. I have switched to suspend2 for hibernation. I have just started using these, they seem to work real well though. I used the packages found here.

    I do not have nvidia chipset, but there are drivers for that here as well.

    Have fun

