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partition not recognized

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    partition not recognized

    Just installed Kubuntu 7.04
    Partitions are named as sda iso hda
    No problem sofar.
    Installed over Ubuntu 6.10, which resided on hda 12 (/) and hda16 (/home).
    sda16 was not recognized during installation, so all is now on sda12.
    sda16 is formatted ext3 with QParted, but mount -t ext3 /dev/sda16 /media/sda16 returns:
    /media/sda16 does not exist.
    Other distros do recognize this partition.
    Is this a bug?

    Re: partition not recognized

    Originally posted by micder
    Is this a bug?
    Rather a missing mount point, I'd guess :P in other words: does /media/sda16 exist?


      Re: partition not recognized

      ls /media gives a.o.
      sda1 sda10 sda11 sda13 sda14 sda15 sda16 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9


        Re: partition not recognized

        Originally posted by micder
        ls /media gives a.o. sda16
        WTH Then, what does fdisk -l ("minus ell") result in?


          Re: partition not recognized

          Trying to use mknod, read devices.txt in /usr/src//linux-2.6.18/Documentation/ on other distro.
          8 block SCSI disk devices (0-15)
          0 = /dev/sda First SCSI disk whole disk
          16 = /dev/sdb Second SCSI disk whole disk
          32 = /dev/sdc Third SCSI disk whole disk
          240 = /dev/sdp Sixteenth SCSI disk whole disk

          Partitions are handled in the same way as for IDE
          disks (see major number 3) except that the limit on
          partitions is 15.
          Seems the only solution is rearrange partitions so that Feisty takes sda15.
          I made dir /dev/sda16 with mkdir; the others were aoto made


            Re: partition not recognized

            fdisk -l
            /dev/sda1 * 1 799 6417936 7 HPFS/NTFS
            /dev/sda2 800 17292 132480022+ f W95 Uitgeb. (LBA)
            /dev/sda5 800 865 530113+ 82 Linux wisselgeheugen
            /dev/sda6 866 872 56196 83 Linux
            /dev/sda7 873 2178 10490413+ b W95 FAT32
            /dev/sda8 2179 2962 6297448+ 83 Linux
            /dev/sda9 2963 4268 10490413+ 83 Linux
            /dev/sda10 4269 5253 7911981 83 Linux
            /dev/sda11 5254 6242 7944111 83 Linux
            /dev/sda12 6243 7544 10458283+ 83 Linux
            /dev/sda13 7545 8203 5293386 83 Linux
            /dev/sda14 8204 9378 9438156 83 Linux
            /dev/sda15 9379 10553 9438156 83 Linux
            /dev/sda16 10554 11473 7389868+ 83 Linux
            /dev/sda17 11474 12663 9558643+ 83 Linux
            /dev/sda18 12664 13839 9446188+ 83 Linux
            /dev/sda19 13840 15150 10530576 83 Linux
            /dev/sda20 15151 16227 8650971 83 Linux
            /dev/sda21 16228 17292 8554581 83 Linux

            Got the same when assigning partitions during installation.
            However I could not use /dev/sda16.
            Guess my previous post explains.

            Thank you

