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Administrator Mode fails, password !work

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    Administrator Mode fails, password !work

    Hi folks,

    First off, yes, I've read the RootSudo page in the wiki. Also searched the archives for messages about failing passwords 'n such. Nothing directly applicable so far.

    I log in as my regular user successfully (I haven't touched root at all). I click on System Settings | Network and change my card from DHCP to my static IP, blah blah so I can get on the network. Clicking on the Administrator Mode button asks me for my password. Works fine, and I'm on the network and the Web.

    Then I go to Add/Remove Programs. The bouncing ball jiggles for 15 seconds and then goes away. No app shows up.

    Same if I try to launch Adept. Bouncy ball, then nothing.

    I go back to System Settings | Network Settings, click Administrator Mode. A dialog shows up "Detecting current platform", then disappears, and I'm back to a disabled dialog and an Administrator Mode button.

    But I can log out and log back in with my password, so I'm pretty sure I know what it is.

    So.... I suspect I'm doing something wrong, but can't for the life of me tell. I'm an old Fedora user but hear all this good stuff 'bout "buntu" so thought I'd give it a whirl.


    Re: Administrator Mode fails, password !work

    open a konsole and write
    sudo passwd root
    enter your password
    then re-enter it
    and then enter it again

    then restart X

    then try in a konsole
    kdesu kcontrol


      Re: Administrator Mode fails, password !work


      After searching on more terms in the archives, I came across the message about having to visudo sudoers.

      And then the other message about having to reboot.

      So the combination of those two worked out OK. I suspect this might be a subtle bug in the install where my own user account didn't get added to sudoers (seems like it should have), but dat's ok. It also might have been fixed in an update that I'm just now downloading.



