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cant log in

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    cant log in

    I have a problem with the login for kubuntu dd 6.06
    My problems started when my daughter decided to be smart and install a copy of windows xp (dell OEM) over our kubuntu desktop. Luckily she had enough brains to make a second partition and put it there and not wipe kubuntu. The windows install overrode grub and somehow removed the boot record in the ext2 partition, meaning grub wouldn’t reinstall. anyway by wiping it completely and writing a new one I managed to load into kubuntu, but now it wont log-in. none of the passwords work- all come up login failed/incorrect login. I’ve tried everything I could think of (editing shadow, single boot, rescue etc.) but can’t seem to allow users to log on. I have important work on the disk so I don’t want to format it and set it up again.
    Is there some way to add a new user externally or deactivating/reactivating accounts?
    Computer- P4, 2.6gig, 1gig ram, 80gig HD, onboard everything else

    Re: cant log in

    Sounds bad. But if your only problem is you have work files on an ext2 or ext3 partition. You can easily recover those with a livecd. Or by using the ext2 ifs drivers for windows. found here. Get your important files and reinstall. If you are going to have a dual boot machine windows needs to be installed first. Then kubuntu.
    This is side one flip me over


      Re: cant log in

      You can try this process to make changes to your installation (add users, change passwords etc.)

      Your problems may run deeper if you couldn't get in with the recovery mode, though. Still, worth a try. :P


        Re: cant log in

        when you boot hit the ESC key
        this should bring up a boot menu
        highlight recovery mode
        press enter

        when at a prompt write
        sudo passwd root
        enter your password
        enter the pass word again
        re-enter the password

        reboot and see if the new pass word will give you access to your system ...


          Re: cant log in

          i worked on it and managed to make some headway.
          recovery mode doesnt work at all, the chroot method works but doesnt have the authorisation to change passwords for some reason.
          i think that it may have something to do with the users as when i added another user (externaly) it loged in but then restarted the xserver, and brought you back to the login. does anyone know why this may be? i am begining to think that my daughter may have done something else to it before she installed windows.
          when viewing the system log all that is recorded is that the session terminated for a unknown reason.


            Re: cant log in

            try ...
            sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg


              Re: cant log in

              Originally posted by gardianangel
              the chroot method works but  doesnt have the authorisation to change passwords for some reason.
              That's odd, you should get root access with it

              Maybe your shadow file was mangled somehow, only guessing though :P


                Re: cant log in

                yeah you were right:

                Maybe your shadow file was mangled somehow, only guessing though
                it turns out that somewhere in the shadow file is several characters that windows (notepad) cant read so when it saves the file it dont work. so now all the login passwords work but when they login they still just blank screen and log back out again. > any ideas as to whats happening there?


                  Re: cant log in

                  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

                  follow the onscreen instructions ...

