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Booting with new kernel (

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    Booting with new kernel (

    Hi, I have problem with kubuntu boot splash.
    There was no problem with boot splash before upgrading to new kernel.

    New kernel displays splash but - it is not well positioned on the screen. It is like the bottom border is beneath the bottom of the screen - this behaviour even continues on text console (f1, f2, ok?). What am I missing?

    Re: Booting with new kernel (


    You've made compilation on your own or you've installed edgy package ? I can't find this kernel in dapper repos.
    BTW, I've compiled it on my own and can see the boot process but not tty after...



      Re: Booting with new kernel (

      Originally posted by sky

      You've made compilation on your own or you've installed edgy package ? I can't find this kernel in dapper repos.
      BTW, I've compiled it on my own and can see the boot process but not tty after...

      It's my own compiled. I see boot grub, but nice blue kubuntu splash with logo and kernel boot informations is gone - just black screen. After that X is working and console is working.


        Re: Booting with new kernel (

        So I guess you're missing some options which are activated on default ubuntu kernel and not on default one you're downloading...
        I got it working by activating these options, you can also get it by these commands when you're root in the /usr/src/linux folder :
        cp /boot/config-2.6.15-23* ./.config
        make oldconfig

        Then it will ask you for few more options and you will get it as you want.

        If you already configured it as you wanted but just missing this feature, look in the /boot/config... to see FBA keyword in options which are activated and activate them in your .config

        Hope it helps.

