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Upgrade with dapper 6.06 RC live CD?

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    Upgrade with dapper 6.06 RC live CD?

    Does anybody know a way to upgrade from breezy to dapper via the recent RC live or install CD?  Those 620+ mb that have to be downloaded through Adept take a long time in a slow connection...  but one could download the iso's from a buddy's faster broadband and do it quicker by CD....

    The other solution could be to download all the needed packages, burn them to a cd (or copy to removable media) take them home and copy them to the /var/cache/apt/packages directory?   Would Adept or Sinaptic do the job that way?  Has anybody done anything similar?

    Re: Upgrade with dapper 6.06 RC live CD?

    You can't update with the live CD, only the alternate installer CD.

    Unfortunately, I don't see any way to add a CD-ROM as a source in Adept, but in Synaptic, you can go to Edit > Add CD-ROM to add a CD-ROM as a source. I'd recommend commenting out your other sources before doing the dist-upgrade.

    You can also add a CD-ROM source from the command-line:
    sudo apt-cdrom add
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