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Dapper, what to do, what to do??

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    Dapper, what to do, what to do??

    hi , I was wondering if it did came the time to make the upgrade to dapper.
    so, this flight 6 is the last beta? is on the stable side already, or are there lots of breaking parts still on it?
    (my fingers are aching for get changing the sources.list to dapper right now...)
    I do use the box for working, so of course I don't want the system to break down....

    to do it, the dist-upgrade, or not to do it?

    best regards
    yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs

    Re: Dapper, what to do, what to do??

    I upgraded to Dapper last week, and I have to say it's quite stable--particularly for KDE.

    However, since you use your computer to do work, I would strongly advise against upgrading to Dapper (at least until June).
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Dapper, what to do, what to do??

      well, yes, of course,
      but this last month I've been feeling a ghostly inestability on breezy too, don't know if it's me, or that the new packages are getting out for dapper and don't run well on breezy,
      could be just my unconscious wanting to do the dist-upgrade, lol

      yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs


        Re: Dapper, what to do, what to do??

        Originally posted by yhotg
        well, yes, of course,
        but this last month I've been feeling a ghostly inestability on breezy too, don't know if it's me, or that the new packages are getting out for dapper and don't run well on breezy,
        could be just my unconscious wanting to do the dist-upgrade, lol

        Well, go for it. I mean, the worst that could happen is that you decide it is unstable to do work--you back up your data and reinstall Breezy. A pain in the neck, but not a disastrous situation.

        I have to say, though, that I tried Dapper a couple of months ago, and it was virtually unusable. I did one update, and my internet connection was gone.

        This past week, though, has been quite pleasant with Dapper, especially in KDE.
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: Dapper, what to do, what to do??

          welllll, ok, i think i'll try it tomorrow
          the back up of my data part is something I don't fully know well enough to do,
          last time with breezy i ended up doing a fresh install

          but where's the salt of life then? lol

          yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs

