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Hardware HDD Issue

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    Hardware HDD Issue

    i need some help so hopefully someone will be nice enough to oblige. i'm gonna just start from the beginning since i think it'll make the most sense that way.

    i've got a fresh kubuntu 6.06.1 installation on a new Seagate Barracuda 320GB sata 300 hdd with a promise sata300 tx4 pci card. i have an older maxtor fireball 3 ata/133 40GB ide hdd with a messed up winxp pro (ntfs) installation.

    i stuck that hdd into my box and edited my fstab accordingly, set the right permissions, and pulled everything off there without a prob.

    i also have a (newer than the aforementioned maxtor) maxtor diamondmax plus 9 80GB ide hdd (fat32) that i used for backup purposes only with that previously mentioned winxp installation. there is nothing at all wrong with it. i just wanna do the same thing and pull the data onto my new hdd with kubuntu installed.

    now for the prob...

    no matter what jumper setting i try i can't get past post with the (fine) 80GB ide hdd in my box. it just goes back to the first startup screen and says: Primary Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible.

    i have a single dvd rom drive on a separate ide slot in that box and i even tried completely disconnecting it, i also tried using a different ide cable and i still get the same atapi incompatible result.

    could it be something to do with the fact that i was using an ntfs partition before to access this hdd and now i'm trying to use a fat32 (kubuntu) partition? i doubt it, since it seems like a hardware issue not software...

    any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

    p.s. don't hold back on anything to technical, i took the first semester of a+ training. but this one has me stumped.
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    Re: Hardware HDD Issue

    I'm just going to throw out a bunch of stuff so don't think, I'm trying to insult your intelligence. It's obvious that your SATA drive is sda, since you haven't named any other SCSI or USB components, but I'm confused about your IDE disks. What's in the box, now? Where are they installed? What kind of filesystems do they have? Where is your GRUB installation? How do you know that your 80 gig Maxtor is fine? Are you sure your jumpers are set properly, e.g. they don't contradict the cable positions? Does your /etc/fstab correspond to the reality of the drive assignments?


      Re: Hardware HDD Issue

      no offence taken.

      the drives i currently have in my box are a 320GB Seagate Barracuda sata300 (with a promise sata300 tx4 pci card) with kubuntu 6.06.1 installed as master. i also have a secondary maxtor 80GB ide (fat32 no os installed) that there was nothing wrong with.  (i just stopped using it once my 40GB maxtor ide drive with winxp pro (ntfs, set as master) installed screwed itself up).

      i first stuck the 40GB maxtor w/ winxp (messed up win installation) in my box and pulled everything off it fine.  (i used the cable select jumper setting).  i can't get past post with this 80GB maxtor installed.

      my sata drive is sda.  there is no grub setup cuz i only have kubuntu intalled on this new hdd.  i also said that no matter what jumper settings i try nothing will work, i just keep getting:  Primary Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible.

      fstab isn't even a consideration yet cuz the drive hasn't been in my box since i've installed kubuntu, and i can't boot with it in.

      btw, i'm using a different computer right now.
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        Re: Hardware HDD Issue

        Linux won't boot unless you have Grub or Lilo installed, If you let the Kubuntu installer do it's own thing, it installs Grub on the MBR of the first hard drive, (which it calls hd0,0). I'd look in the BIOS and see if it's set to boot off the IDE disk before it tries the SATA disk, which should have Grub in it's MBR. Another possibility is that, if the BIOS is set to boot off the IDE drive before the SATA, and if the 40G drive was in the system when you installed Kubuntu, your Grub may be on the (now removed) 40 Gig drive. It's either that or the 80G drive is screwed up somehow.


          Re: Hardware HDD Issue

          i know about boot loaders. grub must be installed on the new sata 320GB hdd since its master. you're right about the 40GB being in when i installed kubuntu, but i'm pretty sure grub isn't installed on it. since i couldn't get my box to start with only the 80GB in, i put the 40GB with winxp installed back in. (which is the setup i had before my win installation imploded [40GB ide master winxp, 80GB ide slave same channel no os], and i haven't reformatted the 40GB yet).

          now it recognizes all 3 drives and the new sata 320GB /w kubuntu installed is set to master. (or at least i think it is, its set to read that hdd first). but the 40GB ide with win is technically set as master too and the 80GB set as slave. it then acts as if its gonna boot, it makes the usual read noises, but then it goes to a blank (black) screen with a blinking underdash... and it won't go any farther than that.

          i'm gonna try disconnecting my dvdrw drive and connecting the two ide hdds on separate channels.
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            Re: Hardware HDD Issue

            I don't think (but I may be wrong) that SATA disks have a "master", "slave" hierarchy the way IDE drives have. I think that comes from the fact that you have two IDE drives on the same ribbon cable, but I believe that you can only put one SATA drive on any one cable. Like you, though, I only have one SATA drive so I can't test my guess.


              Re: Hardware HDD Issue

              now i've got it to:

              GRUB Loading stage1.5.

              GRUB loading, please wait...
              Error 17

              EDIT: nevermind. i changed the jumper settings to what i believe to be correct (yes both ide drives have the jumper settings on the label) and now i'm back to the blank (black) screen with the blinking underdash. man, i'm so stumped... at least the bios recognizes all the drives...
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                Re: Hardware HDD Issue

                17 : Cannot mount selected partition
                This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.
                This usually means that the boot menu has either the wrong partition number or the wrong wrong disk number.

                If you can boot Kubuntu with the live CD, mount the disk partition has the /boot/grub/ directory. Then edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the "root<tab>(hdx,y)" entries in the linux menu entries. Remeber, to subtract 1 in both entries, (sda1 = hd0,0).


                  Re: Hardware HDD Issue

                  just picked up this topic....

                  i'm a little said that you got it to boot to grub...but your edit says no. did it boot to grub, even once with all drives attached? if it did boot, change the jumper settings to what they were when it booted to grub. you might be able to troubleshoot better from within linux. here's a site to config grub: .

                  definitely give the live CD a shot to see what it can auto-detect (use a knoppix cd if you have one handy, as it will auto-detect almost anything and mount it with links on the desktop).


                    Re: Hardware HDD Issue

                    ok, i moved some jumpers around when i prolly shouldn't have cuz now i can't get the 80GB hdd to show up, (in bios or kubuntu), BUT i can now boot kubuntu w/ the 80GB in.  it seems like the jumper settings aren't working when they should. i'm fairly sure its cuz i also have the sata drive. i don't know what the "proper" actions are for installing an ide drive in an existing system with a sata drive + ide drive....

                    i think i will grab a knoppix disc. i have one somewhere, but its old...
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                      Re: Hardware HDD Issue

                      well, i've been able to boot kubuntu with the 80GB hdd in for no apparent reason. i didn't try anything i haven't tried already... but the drive's label showed up in "Disk & Filesystems" as a bunch of jibberish. (different depending on jumper setting used). so now i guess (hopefully) its just a matter of finding the correct jumper settings...
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                        Re: Hardware HDD Issue

                        sorry for the triple post but
                        i got so fed up that i finally just got the jumper settings right so that the bios detected all 3 drives and reinstalled kubuntu. problem solved. i suspect it had something to do with the mbr not being aware of the 80GB or something similarally related...
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