I had just printed a PDF in Okular an then removed it, I have numerous PDF's loaded and removed it by clicking on close tab. That's when Okular crashed.
When trying to send the crash report, it was unable to as there was no DBG file for Okular and none could be fund in the automatic search. So I decided to search for myself, using synaptic and I was unable to locate a DBG file too.
am i correct in thinking that there is none or am I searching for it using the wrong name (okular). If I am searching for it using the correct name and there is no such file, how do I report this error?
where do I go from here
When trying to send the crash report, it was unable to as there was no DBG file for Okular and none could be fund in the automatic search. So I decided to search for myself, using synaptic and I was unable to locate a DBG file too.
am i correct in thinking that there is none or am I searching for it using the wrong name (okular). If I am searching for it using the correct name and there is no such file, how do I report this error?
where do I go from here