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so what exactly is KDE 4.13.97 that's in kubuntu/backports?

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    so what exactly is KDE 4.13.97 that's in kubuntu/backports?

    A week or so ago I got an update notification, and after waiting until I wouldn't have to uninstall any packages I gave it a go. Now, a week later, I finally had enough of kmail locking me out of my gmail account so often ("too many simultaneous imap connections"), and when my few days old install of kdevelop (git/head) no longer ran because of a missing libnepomuk dependency I decided I'd roll-back using ppa-purge (instead of using my zfs snapshot).
    Doing so made me realise that the backport ppa had masked another, more official (?) update (in trusty/updates), to 4.13.3 . Which is the current stable 4.x release, and ought to be good enough for me...

    So, what exactly is 4.13.97? Something that actually should have been labelled because it's a 4.14 release candidate, and as such should be replaced by 4.14.0 once that hits, say, trusty/updates?

    And, a bit late, is there a more streamlined way to back out of kubuntu/backports that wouldn't have required manual intervention? In the end I uninstalled a number of packages not existing outside the backports ppa using aptitude, which proposed me workable "solutions" that leave me with only a few packages to reinstall once the rollback is complete. I presume ppa-purge, since it already uses aptitude, could have proposed to uninstall those packages during the purge, which would have saved me from adding back the ppa (and doing an apt-get update) quite a few times (required to re-run ppa-purge after bailing out from it...)

    4.13.97 is probably the release candidate for 4.14.

    The numbering is something like .90 for first release, .95 for beta, .97 for RC, .99 for RC2 (if needed).

    Not sure if ppa-purge will thoroughly get you out of backports. It's good, but I've never tried to uninstall backports using it.


      Right. I wasn't expecting an RC to appear in backports, to be honest. That's a bit annoying, as there are other things in backports that I'd like to use (digikam 4 is a prime example), but a (potentially) unstable desktop? No thanks ...

      So how did you uninstall backports?

      In the end I thought I'd gotten rid of all packages that caused dependency clashes while downgrading, but I hadn't expected that there'd be a kind of 2nd round in which a few more of those packages turned up. ppa-purge is good indeed, but I haven't understood its manual resolution interface, at least not how to actually get it to apply the solution you gave it. The help says one can enter 'y' to continue, but the interface only accepts 'N' except for the keys to add, remove or purge packages ...


        strange, I have backports enabled and just done my daily update but haven't seen any reference to


          Originally posted by Teunis View Post
          strange, I have backports enabled and just done my daily update but haven't seen any reference to
          Maybe because you already installed that version last week?


            If I did I should see it in the 'About' of Dolphin, Muon or the version of a lib.


              Originally posted by rjvbb View Post
              Right. I wasn't expecting an RC to appear in backports, to be honest
              You're correct about that, the pre-release versions of KDE should go to the beta-backports ppa (

              I think Rog posted on another thread that Riddell accidentally uploaded 4.13.97 (KDE 4.14 RC1) packages to the wrong ppa (backports).
              And the packages seem to be there:


                Yep, that's them, those not-so-good ole packages I said goodbye to with sweat and tears

                I saw the reference to Riddell's mistake but hadn't connected the dots yet. Very good to know that once this glitch has been cleaned I can re-activate the backports ppa ... because I do hope that post 4.13 versions (including KF5) will trickle down to 14.04LTS once proven stable and so on. (For me, that's also part of the promise of an LTS release... )

