I was all excited about installing Kubuntu on a netbook I just got. It's got plenty of resources -- 2 GB of RAM and a 240 GB hard drive. Should be a snap, eh? Not really. Kubuntu installed and indicated no problems along the way, but what I've ended up doesn't look like Kubuntu. It looks like the Gobbledygook of a bad Linux distro. There's no K button, and the task bar insists on being on the top instead of the bottom. I can't get Muon Discover or Muon Package Manager to run without crashing.
This thing actually came with regular Ubuntu, which was running fine. I've installed Kubuntu 13.10/64. Does it need the 32-bit version? I installed the 64 because I want to install FreeFileSync, which only runs on 64-bit Linux distros. Out of curiosity beforehand I attempted to install Linux Mint/KDE, but could not get it to install. It froze up.
Here's the kerflooey that I'm seeing:
This thing actually came with regular Ubuntu, which was running fine. I've installed Kubuntu 13.10/64. Does it need the 32-bit version? I installed the 64 because I want to install FreeFileSync, which only runs on 64-bit Linux distros. Out of curiosity beforehand I attempted to install Linux Mint/KDE, but could not get it to install. It froze up.
Here's the kerflooey that I'm seeing:
