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Thunderbird issues after last update

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    Thunderbird issues after last update

    Title says it all. Thunderbird worked well, for me, until just recently there was an update. Now the Mail Notification sound it plays no longer produces the audible. This has happened before way long ago when they were working with Phonon and I had to use a different backend. Not the case here. I even checked PULSE and that is good there. Can't find anything out there that helps. Anybody else? Also, from day 1 the Message Indicator no long works with it either. Anyone?

    To get the popping sound back, try reinstalling the following packages:

    Also, Thunderbird seems to no longer integrate with the KDE Message Indicator in Precise. To get indication of new messages, you may consider installing FireTray, an extension for Thunderbird (and also Firefox).


      Originally posted by Mr_Bumpy View Post
      To get the popping sound back, try reinstalling the following packages:

      Also, Thunderbird seems to no longer integrate with the KDE Message Indicator in Precise. To get indication of new messages, you may consider installing FireTray, an extension for Thunderbird (and also Firefox).
      FireTray doesn't do it for me. I have multiple email accounts, all of which I access with Thunderbird. FireTray only works for the first email account...

      It's hard to replace Thunderbird, since the Enigmail (for encryption) extension and the Lightning extension (for group calendars) are hard to beat. Plus, the IMAP functionality is superb.

      KMail does have an encryption module, which is somewhat harder to use than Engimail, but it is getting close. Group calendaring has always been a holy grail, but I don't like Google calendars (I don't want any of my info at Google) and use my own group calendar (CalDAV) servers. Besides, KMail is a struggle to configure compared to Thunderbird.
      Last edited by perspectoff; May 14, 2012, 12:16 PM.


      Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
      and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


        Yeah, I already tried that. No go. Odd thing, it was working early on in 12.04 until that last update. No real biggie. Everything else works. Just miss my sound notification.


          I had the same problem, and I installed mplayer now it works


            Unfortunately I already have that installed and it doesn't help. On a whim I reinstalled and still no go. Thanks! More suggestions anybody?


              Click on the volume icon in the system tray -> Mixer -> Playback Streams and verify that the slider for "Event Sounds" is not at 0.


                Nope, all the way @ 100%. I even switched backends in Phonon as that worked before. No go, but I also found out that the XINE backend is no longer available. Had to use the VLC backend. Worked well except with AMAROK but it did not fix the issue with Thunderbird either. Switched back to GSTREAMER.


                  Wow, I'm completely out of ideas. I do get the "pop" sound on both of my computers that were upgraded to 12.04, so I have no idea what could be happening on yours. Perhaps there's a configuration file somewhere that's messed up...


                    Check that /usr/share/sounds/pop.wav exists. I'm currently doing a systemwide scan for any configuration files that contain the text "pop.wav", so I'll post back my findings when it's done.


                      Ack! I had the wrong wave file. The file to check for is: /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/message.oga


                        The message.oga file is installed with the package sound-theme-freedesktop, which should be at version 0.7.pristine-2.


                          Ahhhh, we are in different areas. I'm using a custom WAV file. OK then, let me use the default sound and lets see what happens. Will let you know.


                            How did you configure the custom sound? I can't find an option anywhere to change the sound of the notification "pop". I even went through everything in System Settings -> Application and System Notifications.


                              OK, internal sound worked. Which file it is I can't say. I know custom sounds for Thunderbird can only be WAV files, which is silly. So is the default sound a WAV or other format? Don't. The OGA one you list sounds like it but does not seem to match what a custom sound file must be. Let me think on that one. Have you tried a custom sound to see if it plays or not?

