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Internal microphone noise

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    Internal microphone noise

    Hi everyone,

    I've notice, that my laptop's microphone produces a lot of noise when recording. I've tried to change settings with alsamixer and here are the results.

    There are a few contols related to recording: Capture, Digital, Mic Boost, Internal Mic Boost, etc. When I set Mic Boost on non-zero, microphone produces a lot of noise. But if I set it to zero and Digital to max record is clear, but too quite. May be anyne knows, how to solve this issue? Can I increase maximum limits for Digital channel? Or there are some options in asound can be set?

    Thank you!

    What happens when you active Capture slider and andvance it to 90% or so?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Thank you for the attention, GrayGeek!

      When I advance Captute slider to 90%, my records become louder, but this annoing noise appears again

