I have found a problem in Kubuntu 10.10. Always when I try to install Kplayer, installation fails. KPackageKit shows this text:
trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kplayer.png', which is also in package kplayer 1
Can you help me with this problem? I'm pretty sure, that it has a simple solution, but I'n not able to find any solution on the internet.
Thank you.
I have found a problem in Kubuntu 10.10. Always when I try to install Kplayer, installation fails. KPackageKit shows this text:
trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kplayer.png', which is also in package kplayer 1
Can you help me with this problem? I'm pretty sure, that it has a simple solution, but I'n not able to find any solution on the internet.
Thank you.