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Won't stay asleep, immediately wakes back up

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    Won't stay asleep, immediately wakes back up

    I just installed 10.04 and everything works great except sleep. The machine can sleep and hibernate but when I sleep (suspend to RAM aka S3), the machine falls asleep and wakes back up after about three seconds. Does anyone know what could cause this? Can you suggest anything I could try that might fix it?

    I have an Intel DG41TY with a G41 chipset, a Core 2 Quad CPU, and a Radeon HD4350 video card. I haven't installed any proprietary drivers or anything weird, it's a stock install.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Re: Won't stay asleep, immediately wakes back up

    I just noticed that if I unplug the ethernet cable, it will stay asleep. Could Kubuntu be set to wake on network access? Is there any way to turn that off?


      Re: Won't stay asleep, immediately wakes back up

      There might be an option for it in your BIOS setup?


        Re: Won't stay asleep, immediately wakes back up

        Just in case anyone else is having the same problem, I thought I'd share my solution. My ethernet port was set to wake on any network access. You can set it to normal behavior with "sudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g". This will make it only wake up if if gets a wake-on-lan packet.

        Unfortunately the ethernet port does not remember this setting between reboots, so I had to create a file in /etc/init.d that turns it on at boot. I had to use some command line tool to enable the new file as a startup script. Here's what the file looks like:

        ### BEGIN INIT INFO
        # Provides: wol
        # Required-Start: $network
        # Required-Stop: $network
        # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
        # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
        # Short-Description: Fixes WOL
        # Description: Fixes broken wake-on-lan
        ### END INIT INFO

        /sbin/ethtool -s eth0 wol g

